Telluride Medical Center

Donate to the Telluride Med Center's Covid-19 Fund here. With the pandemic surging everywhere and plans to temporarily relocate to respiration clinic at Telluride Science's Depot building, now more than ever the Med Center needs your support. [caption id="attachment_90294" align="aligncenter" width="600"] Med Center staff, including Kathryn...

Dr. Sharon Grundy has helmed the Telluride Regional Medical Center’s Primary Care Department since 2002. She is now passing that responsibility on to Dr. Christine Mahoney. The idea is to direct her attention back to her own health, her family and her panel of primary...

If you are 65+, it is time to get your flu shot. The following is a note from the Telluride Medical Center's Eric Johnson, MS, FNP-BC. • The fastest way to get on our schedule is through the patient portal here. • Update all of your demographic...

To make an appointment for a PCR diagnostic COVID-19 test at the Telluride Medical Center visit get step-by-step instructions. Go here for more Medical Moments. For Wilder, a sixth grade Telluride Intermediate School student who competes on the cross-country team, it started with a headache. The first thing...

The following is a note from Dr. Sharon Grundy of the Telluride Medical Center and County Health. Support the Med Support Fund here. And go here to read more about Covid-19 transmission through aerosols. [caption id="attachment_86623" align="aligncenter" width="400"] Dr. Sharon Grundy,P rimary Care Medical Director, Telluride...

For further information about the pandemic in the Telluride region, go to  For San Miguel County updates, go here. If you are experiencing a mental health crisis, call The Center for Mental Health’s crisis line at 970.252.6220. For help with deep stress, Lindsay Wright can be reached by calling the Telluride Medical...

The following is an update from Karen Winkelmann, CEO, Telluride Med Center. Support the Med Center's Covid-19 Fund here. By all indications, 2020 at the Telluride Regional Medical Center was going to be another challenging year for staff and healthcare providers as they endeavored, as they...

These Covid-19 times are challenging for all of us, so please don’t hesitate to reach out if you need support. I can be reached by calling the Telluride Medical Center at 970-728-3848, or if you are a patient, you can also message me, Lindsay Wright,...