Telluride Medical Center

Two years ago I assumed the CEO position for Telluride Regional Medical Center excited for the great opportunity to lead the construction of a model Critical Access Hospital that would accommodate current and future health care needs for the greater Telluride community. [caption id="attachment_58049" align="aligncenter" width="401"]...

Last month the primary care team at the Telluride Regional Medical Center underwent training to offer better preventive dental and oral health services to children, with a focus on infants and toddlers. The training was provided by the Cavity Free at Three project managed by the...

On May 21 Colorado became the latest state to sign into law guidelines for the prescribing and dispensing of opioids. Telluride Med Center will be complying with those rules. [caption id="attachment_73821" align="aligncenter" width="300"] Dr. Sharon Grundy, director primary care, Telluride Medical Center[/caption] The new law, which is...

The Telluride Regional Medical Center has issued recommendations regarding the active wildfire 40 air miles west of Telluride that is presently producing smoke throughout the region. Wildfire smoke is a mixture of gasses and fine particles from burning trees and the plant materials. Smoke can hurt...

Earlier this month, the Telluride Regional Medical Center installed a 225-square-foot shipping container was placed just outside the primary care entrance to the Telluride Regional Medical Center, which they are calling it a "Wellness Annex." Reasonably, you might have some questions about this.   What's a Wellness Annex and...

In recognition of National EMS Week, the Telluride Regional Medical Center will partner with the Telluride Fire Protection District to offer free "Stop the Bleed" training in conjunction with the Fire District's free CPR and AED courses scheduled May 21 – May 24. For more information...

Dr. Sharon Grundy and the Primary Care Team at the Telluride Regional Medical Center like to see locals in April, May, October and November for what they call "Preventive Health Season." Learn more about preventative care and the Med Center's discounted services here. And be...

You've just witnessed an accident, there's blood, your heart is pounding. What do you do? For more information about upcoming Stop the Bleed classes or to arrange a class for your business, organization or group, visit Trauma nurses at the Telluride Regional Medical Center will soon...

Last week a group of locals saved someone's life. Himay Palmer and Melanie Kent witnessed the man's collapse on Colorado Avenue, and were the first to run to his aid. Valerie Sloan arrived moments later, and having recently taken a CPR course, quickly recognized his situation...

Most of us are aware of the many immunizations required and obtained during childhood, but after the high school years, our awareness of same seems to fall off the radar. While not many, there are several immunizations that are particularly beneficial in adulthood.  [caption id="attachment_72329" align="aligncenter" width="400"]...