2011 MountainFilm in Telluride: Looking Back
At Telluride Inside... and Out we mostly have our gaze fixed on "the now" or on the future. Before we move on to Bluegrass and the rest of the Summer schedule, I'd like to share my take on Mountainfilm in Telluride, now a week and a half in the rear-view mirror. This is not meant to be a review, but one person's impression of a weekend of inspiration, cautionary tales, beauty, and calls to action.
The tribute to Ambassador Richard Holbrooke was a standout, with intimate images of life with a famous father by sons David (Festival Director) and Anthony, juxtaposed with reminiscences by commentators on the world stage who knew Richard Holbrooke both on a personal and a professional level. The conversation among Roger Cohen, David Rohde and Vali Nasr particularly put the Holbrooke we in Telluride knew as a neighbor in a global perspective.