Telluride Wine Festival: Bonanza for Wine, Spirit and Food Geeks
By J James McTigue
I love geeks; therefore I love Telluride Wine Fest. This year’s 30th festival was full of wine geeks and foodies, all intent on enthusiastically sharing the intricate technicalities and personal stories behind their artfully crafted creations.
It’s hard not to listen to a geek, because their passion carries their stories. Before you know it, you’re fully engaged, tasting their, let’s say… mezcals…noting hints of smoke in one and earthy minerals in the other.
This past weekend’s Wine Festival was nothing short of a geek-fest, celebrating some of the best food and wine in the country, and possibly the world. Keeping true to the spirit of Telluride, it was an anything goes affair, colored by educational seminars, blowout tastings and intimate meals carefully paired with specialty wines in chosen venues.