Mountainfilm in Telluride

In honor of the 50th anniversary of the Wilderness Act, the theme of Mountainfilm in Telluride’s 2014 Moving Mountains Symposium is “Wilderness.” Confirmed symposium presenters represent experts from diverse fields, including science, conservation, journalism, fine arts, and education, among them Vance G. Martin. [caption id="attachment_40392" align="aligncenter" width="475"] Vance...

Spring has sprung. Off-season in Telluride means (relatively) empty streets, but heads filled with thoughts of the summer festival season just around the corner. The kick-off is, of course, Mountainfilm in Telluride, where one of the featured (returning. They all do) guests is M. Sanjayan,...

Updated List Includes Leading Names in Conservation, Adventure, and Advocacy Mountainfilm in Telluride just released the latest in an expanding roster of festival guest speakers, including new additions to the line-up for the Moving Mountains Symposium, which will focus on the theme of “wilderness.” In addition to the Symposium...

The flurry of emails to Telluride Inside… and Out from marketing peeps all over the region are all about events marking the end of the winter season. Could the beginning of Telluride's summer festival season really be right around the off (read mud)- season? The...

The new millennium has witnessed an attitudinal shift in society’s views towards many things, gays, marijuana – and women. Many from younger generations feel that all the battles have been won. Feminists from the 1970s, however, know the truth only too well: the ingrained complexity...

“Crash Reel” tells the dramatic story of an unforgettable athlete and champion, Kevin Pearce; the eye-popping sport of snowboarding; and an explosive, timely issue, Traumatic Brain Injury. Through 20 years of astounding action and verité footage, director Lucy Walker's documentary chronicles the epic rise of the...

[caption id="attachment_37280" align="alignright" width="300"] Huge colonies of Little Auk are found in the fjords of Svalbard. They are nesting in little cavities in the steep rocky cliffs. West coast of Svalbard, European Arctic, image by Florian Schultz[/caption] “In wilderness is the preservation of the world," Henry...

The story of a girl’s dream to be the youngest person ever to sail around the world – alone! “Maidentrip” won the hearts and minds of the Mountain in Telluride audience when the film screened in town over festival weekend last May. Among its many fans...

Mountainfilm is pleased to present a special screening of one of this year's best feature documentaries, "The Armstrong Lie." The film, produced by Frank Marshall and directed by Alex Gibney, is on the Oscar shortlist for Best Documentary for 2013. "The Armstrong Lie" is currently screening...

Mountainfilm in Telluride is dedicated to educating, inspiring and motivating audiences about issues that matter, cultures worth exploring, environments worth preserving, adventures worth pursuing and conversations worth sustaining Mountainfilm is now accepting film entries for its 36th annual festival, May 23-26, 2014. Submit your film to be...