Mountainfilm in Telluride

[caption id="attachment_41015" align="alignright" width="178"] Photo Credit: Uncage the Soul Productions[/caption] “Mending the Lines” screens Saturday, May 24, 3:15 p.m., Sheridan Opera House, and Monday, May 26, 9:15 a.m. at the Palm When the founder of Uncage the Soul Productions, John Waller traveled to the Umpqua River 2...

An official selection of Mountainfilm 2014, with guest appearances by producer Erin Krozek and star bull-rider Char Duran. “Queens & Cowboys” screens at the Masons Friday night at  9 p.m. and at the Nugget on Sunday at 6 p.m.  This is not my first rodeo. That...

Editor’s Note: This year, The Telluride Farmers' Market collaborates with Mountainfilm to put on the popular Ice Cream Social, bringing fresh, organic local produce, flowers and delicious homemade food. Vendors' stalls will be open  1– 5 p.m. Saunter down to main street for a free scoop of...

Editor’s Note: Shelley Silbert is the executive director of Great Old Broads for the Wilderness, an organization that gives voice to the millions of older and not-so-able Americans who wish to see our wild public lands protected for future generations. She will speak at Mountainfilm's...

 FULL LINEUP OF FESTIVAL FILMS   We're excited to announce this year's outstanding lineup of festival films! See the entire list of films here and special guests here. [caption id="attachment_40857" align="aligncenter" width="425"] Still from “Queens & Cowboys,” a featured film at Mountainfilm 2014, about the gay rodeo and...

Max Lowe is a photographer, writer and National Geographic Young Explorer who has been exploring the far reaches of the planet since before he could walk. He has been published in Backpacker magazine, Powder and on After completing his Young Explorers Grant project, he...

Mountainfilm in Telluride jumpstarts the summer season in the region with tales of mountain living (endangered species, cultures and ideas) and mountain adventure ( think adrenaline rush). A native of Washington State, Sam Giffin is a producer and director at Right On Brothers Films. His credits...

Diverse and Dynamic: Painting, Photography, Performance Art to Grace Telluride’s Galleries and Streets  Mountainfilm in Telluride, a festival renowned for bringing together films, artists, activists, and adventurers into one four-day happening, has put together an outstanding lineup of artists for its 2014 Gallery Walk, May 23. The mix...

I am proud to say I used to work with Ben Knight. I was the journalist who covered Telluride’s cultural economy when he was the young ace photographer on the local daily, then in its heyday. Feeling print media had gotten a bit sketchy, Ben, who has been...