17 May “Seed Broadcast,” Featured at Mountainfilm Ice Cream Social
Editor’s Note: This year, The Telluride Farmers’ Market collaborates with Mountainfilm to put on the popular Ice Cream Social, bringing fresh, organic local produce, flowers and delicious homemade food. Vendors’ stalls will be open 1– 5 p.m. Saunter down to main street for a free scoop of your favorite flavor, a little live entertainment and local fare – but plan to stop for awhile at Seed Broadcast’s truck:
“We will be mobilizing the Mobile Seed Story Broadcasting Station (MSSBS) at the Ice Cream Social and at the Palm on Monday,” said founding member of the collective Jeanette Hart-Mann. “During these events we will be recording seed stories from local seed savers, gardeners, farmers, and people who want to make their voice heard as pop culture of our time and broadcasting them through our media network. We will also be sharing our multi-media exhibit about seed stories, seed saving, and seed sovereignty that is housed in the MSSBS.”
To learn more, read Jeanette’s inspiring story to learn more about how a little seed grew into a big (and growing) collective.
SeedBroadcast Mobile Seed Story Broadcasting Station is coming to Telluride to meet local farmers, gardeners, seed savers, and people who love local food. During this event SeedBroadcast will be recording seed stories while the Mobile Seed Story Broadcasting Station presents its multi-media-open-source exhibit about seed and food sovereignty.
The Mobile Seed Story Broadcasting Station is an old bread truck that has been retrofitted into a solar-powered, grassroots roving, seed story shout-out vehicle committed to examining the inter-connections between people, seeds and agri-Culture through creativity, performance, listening, and the sharing of seed stories.
It began in 2012, with a cross-country tour of seed libraries, from New Mexico to Vermont. Hosting public events with these seedy partners, as well as at farmers’ markets, community gardens, and with arts organizations, the Mobile Seed Story Broadcasting Station gathered seed stories via audio interviews and broadcast these along with seed sovereignty materials through the Station and through multiple web-based platforms.
The Mobile Seed Story Broadcasting Station houses several multi-media systems for playing seed stories in the public: exterior speakers, interior tablets, and video monitors. It also has an interactive bulletin board and copy center, which people can use to collect seed information to take home. The bulletin board also acts as a display area where participants can post drawings, writings, thoughts, and pictures of their own. A library of books is available about seed saving, agri-Culture, and seed freedom for everyone to use. Seeds from Fodder Project Collaborative Research Farm, in Anton Chico, New Mexico are on display for people to look at, touch, and listen to. Occasionally there are seeds to share.
SeedBroadcast moves between being a collective body of individuals and a multi-faceted project in performative action. It was initiated in 2011, at the Compartiendo Semillas, Sembrando el Futuro, Seed Exchange, in Las Vegas, New Mexico. Since then, it has brought together diverse groups of participants in New Mexico and across the country, at gardens, farms, libraries, museums, and community events, to activate the reflection and sharing of local land-based stories and seed saving resources. Artists, Jeanette Hart-Mann and Chrissie Orr are founding members of this collective and are the current animators of SeedBroadcast and the Mobile Seed Story Broadcasting Station.
While in Telluride, the Mobile Seed Story Broadcasting Station will be at the Ice Cream Social and Farmers Market on Saturday, May 24 from 1 – 5 p.m. and at the Palm, Kidz Kino on Monday May 26. This visit is part of SeedBroadcast Rocky Mountain Tour, which also includes stops in Mancos, CO and Dolores, CO and other locations to be announced.
You can find more information on the SeedBroadcast website and blog:
SeedBroadcasting in Telluride was made possible by Telluride Institute, SWIRL, and MountainFilm.
To learn more, watch this video.
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