Mountainfilm in Telluride

And that's the good news. The bad news is he was recently placed in solitary confinement in the first place. But I am jumping ahead of myself. Tim De Christopher is no stranger to fans and followers of Mountainfilm in Telluride. He is an impassioned member...

Telluride Mountainfilm audiences have learned some great information about the world’s waste in recent years. Bag It premiered in 2009, and artist Chris Jordan has appeared with his “Running the Numbers” series at the festival. Now comes part three (and perhaps the most pressing of...

Nearly 72,000 people voted for National Geographic Adventure's People's Choice Adventurer of The Year for 2012. The winners are Sano Babu Sunuwar and Lakpa Tsheri Sherpa, who with second-hand equipment, a tiny budget and no corporate sponsors, climbed Everest, descended with paragliders and paddled to the sea...

Spring is in the air, and unmet New Year’s resolutions are nagging in the back of many of our minds. What better time to walk more? We’re not just talking about walking for the sake of exercise. No, we mean actually walking to get somewhere....

While in medical school at Harvard, Geoff Tabin applied for a leave of absence because he wanted to join a climbing expedition for a first ascent up the east face of Mount Everest. An ophthalmologist called him a “moron” and steered him, instead, toward a...

Spooked by the wave of regime change around the world, the Chinese government is cracking down hard on the Tibetan people. Inspired by Time magazine’s 2011 recognition of the power of “The Protestor,” Tibetans — mostly monks — have been fighting back in the most desperate way: by setting themselves...

 An Update from Outside Magazine Audiences at Mountainfilm in Telluride have known about Greg Mortenson and his book Three Cups of Tea for nearly a decade because he’s been a guest at several festivals. Ten months ago, reports by “60 Minutes” and Jon Krakauer shattered Mortenson's past, present and future...

Event at historic Sheridan Opera House, Monday, 12/26/2011, 6:00 pm, only $10 Every year around the holidays, Mountainfilm is Telluride hosts an evening hosts a family-friendly event. This year,'s programs features a series of short films. In "Winter," Brian Ward discovers an unexpected and new-found love for...