
Here's a comprehensive article that appeared in Spirit, Science and Metaphysics (that includes videos), on 5 different types of meditation. There’s a myriad of methods for meditation. Some are easy and some are difficult. All require daily practice to perfect. Here are five of the most...

Many Christians in the West, and especially the US, view substitutionary atonement as the only way of understanding the cross of Christ and Christian salvation.What is substitutionary atonement? Is it biblical? Is it what the Apostle Paul meant when he said "Christ died for our...

My wife, Debbie, and I recently visited our families in Atlanta. The focus of our trip was to address some financial and housing issues of our aging parents, my 84-year-old mother and Deb's 80-year-old father. We knew that it wasn't going to be easy.  So...

My sermon for Palm and Passion Sunday was titled "Hating Life." It explored the words in John, "Those who love their life will lose it, and those who hate their life will save it."  Are we called to a life-hating faith or is there a...

Last Sunday my sermon featured the important concepts of repentance and mind. Many Christians do not fully grasp the connection between some of Christianity's key concepts with the larger context of Greek philosophy and religion. The message of repentance (metanoia)  is an invitation to change...

Here's a thoughtful article, 20 Daily Practices that Changed My Life, that appeared in the Elephant Journal by Camille Willemain;  a coconut-loving, barefoot, beach bum who finds bliss exploring the endless possibilities of the Earth.  She aims to inspire people to release their fears, chase their dreams, and do...

Our adult spiritual ed class has been discussing Reza Aslan's book "Zealot: The Life and Times of Jesus of Nazareth." Her words not only raises questions about the historical context of Jesus of Nazareth, they also point to the distinction between the Jesus of historical...

On Saturday, March 1, regional Presbyterians gathered for a series of TED Talk-styled presentations on the question Jesus asked his disciples "Who do you say that I am?"  My sermon on March 2 featured my presentation from the previous day, when I offered an experiential...