
The title to my sermon last Sunday was "Does My Body Have a Soul?" Is there something to our existence that is not bound by time, body, or space?  Can such consciousness survive death?  Or is the better question, can our consciousness survive birth?  Are...

Deciding to become a yoga teacher can be a life changing decision, especially if you live the corporate lifestyle. The decision to teach yoga usually follows a major life event such as an injury, health problem or relationship breakdown. These are all strong catalysts to...

Khrisnamacharya was the renowned Indian yoga teacher, Ayurvedic healer and scholar widely regarded as the father of modern yoga. He is responsible for bringing yoga to the West, but  did so largely through his disciples: K.Pattabhi Jois, his son T.K.V. Desikachar, and his brother-in-law, B.K.S. Iyengar....

My sermon on Monday, August 10, was titled "What Should I Renounce?" What does renunciation of various things have to do with the spiritual life? Is there a deeper way of letting go and self-emptying that is not a denial of our embodiment and in-earthment?...

I've been building a shed, trying to get it dried-in in the middle of all this rain. So, I've been thinking about shelter and refuge in the midst of life's storms. Where or what do we go to for refuge? Sometimes the refuges we choose...

Ezzie Spencer, PhD, writes about what lunar rhythms can teach us about life and spiritual practice.  Here are several excerpts from a post  about how Life can become easier and far more fulfilling when we slow down and let things happen instead of pushing ourselves...

Sometimes I tie my children's sermon, a short conversation with the children, to my main sermon. I often joke that the children's sermon is just as much for the adults as the children. Last Sunday I spoke about being big and being little. I have...

Here are several excerpts for a post on the Spirit, Science and Metaphysics blog, 12 Little Known Laws of Karma That Will Change Your Life: What is Karma? Karma is the Sanskrit word for action. It is equivalent to Newton’s law of ‘every action must have...

In my sermon "When Does Evil Begin?" I discuss how an evolutionary worldview reshapes how we think about evil in the human experience. How do we reconcile our propensity for evil with our aspiration for the good, and when does evil end? [caption id="attachment_12347" align="aligncenter" width="450"]...

On the heels of July Fourth, last Sunday at Christ Church we discussed the relationship of faith and national identity. While religion so often divides us, faith is always a call to a broader view of inclusion, respect, and compassion.   [caption id="attachment_12347" align="aligncenter" width="450"] Pastor...