27 Jul Some Things Take Time: Slow Down and Stop Pushing
Ezzie Spencer, PhD, writes about what lunar rhythms can teach us about life and spiritual practice. Here are several excerpts from a post about how Life can become easier and far more fulfilling when we slow down and let things happen instead of pushing ourselves to make things happen.
“Smile, breathe, and go slowly.” ~Thich Nhat Hanh
As life speeds up, as we check our phones and Twitter feeds for instant gratification, as we seek out another spiritual practice in the promise of evolving even faster, we have lost sight of something quite fundamental.
Some things just take time. This can apply to relationships, business, and, in my experience, it especially applies to spiritual awakening.
Yes, our practices such as meditation, dance, service, and energy work can support us on our soul journey. But rushing our development can even result in us taking one step forward and two steps back.
And, most importantly, it will likely just happen anyway—if we get out of the way and allow it.
I know this firsthand.
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