
March 7 to 14, 2013      Visible Planets: Morning: Venus, Saturn  Evening: Mercury, Jupiter  Sometimes I have a hard time letting go. Whether it is a many-years-old birthday card from my no-longer-here-on-Earth Mother, written in her distinctive cursive script, or a stack of yellowed Telluride Times...

Alacazem           by Cynthia Zehm       February 21 to 28, 2013 Visible Planets: Morning: Venus, Saturn  Evening: Mercury, Jupiter  Full Moons bring light to dark. They illuminate what has been hidden or flying beneath the radar of our awareness. Often deep issues of self and soul emerge as...

Editor’s note: In his doctoral dissertation, Pastor Pat Bailey of Telluride’s Christ Presbyterian Church is claiming the need for a re-visioning of the Christian church’s theology and its understanding of mission, the need for a more natural, integrative theology and for an earth-focused, contextual approach...

February 14 to 21, 2013   Visible Planets: Morning: Saturn      Evening: Jupiter "Keep, keep it together. Forever keep people together. Keep it together in the family. They're a reminder of your history. Brothers and sisters, they hold the key. To your heart and your soul. Don't forget...

Editor’s note: In his doctoral dissertation, Pastor Pat Bailey of Telluride’s Christ Presbyterian Church is claiming the need for a re-visioning of the Christian church’s theology and its understanding of mission, the need for a more natural, integrative theology and for an earth-focused, contextual approach...

February 7 to 14, 2013   Visible Planets: Morning: Venus, Saturn  Evening: Mercury, Jupiter  I so love a starry night. And this week, the stars have been phenomenal. Down here, in the wild West End of San Miguel and Montrose Counties, there is no light pollution and...

Editor’s note: In his doctoral dissertation, Pastor Pat Bailey of Telluride’s Christ Presbyterian Church is claiming the need for a re-visioning of the Christian church’s theology and its understanding of mission, the need for a more natural, integrative theology and for an earth-focused, contextual approach...

Editor’s note: In his doctoral dissertation, Pastor Pat Bailey of Telluride’s Christ Presbyterian Church is claiming the need for a re-visioning of the Christian church’s theology and its understanding of mission, the need for a more natural, integrative theology and for an earth-focused, contextual approach...

Editor’s note: In his doctoral dissertation, Pastor Pat Bailey of Telluride’s Christ Presbyterian Church is claiming the need for a re-visioning of the Christian church’s theology and its understanding of mission, the need for a more natural, integrative theology and for an earth-focused, contextual approach...

Editor’s note: In his doctoral dissertation, Pastor Pat Bailey of Telluride’s Christ Presbyterian Church is claiming the need for a re-visioning of the Christian church’s theology and its understanding of mission, the need for a more natural, integrative theology and for an earth-focused, contextual approach...