07 Feb ALACAZEM 2012.02.07
February 7 to 14, 2013 Visible Planets: Morning: Venus, Saturn Evening: Mercury, Jupiter
I so love a starry night. And this week, the stars have been phenomenal.
Down here, in the wild West End of San Miguel and Montrose Counties, there is no light pollution and plenty of deep, blue-black sky in which to observe the heavens. Orion the Hunter is stellar for most of the night with brilliant planet Jupiter leading the way west and the faithful, bright white giant “dog star” Sirius trailing behind. In the still, quiet hours of darkness before dawn, the magnificent Scorpion shimmers low in the southeast, its distinctive heart-star Antares glowing yellow-orange and the enigmatic “cat’s eyes” of the scorpion’s tail reflecting the mystery and magic of the cosmos.
This very morning, a delicately waning crescent Moon hovers above the eastern horizon, its hidden fullness painted with ‘earthglow” and the lights of tiny Norwood shining below. I know that over the next two days the Moon with virtually disappear. Tomorrow – Feb. 8th – the crescent will be significantly slimmer. The following morning, Feb. 9th, it will be too thin to see. Then, in the hour just past midnight on Saturday, Feb. 10th, the Sun and Moon will come together @ 21º 43’ Aquarius in the conjunction aspect of a new Moon. Herald the Chinese Lunar Year of the Snake 4711. It’s time to celebrate life!
As many in the Western world know, the Chinese zodiac is comprised of twelve animal signs that follow each other around an eternally revolving wheel. Each animal in its turn is given rulership over the lunar year of a 12-year cycle, which begins and ends with the annual lunation of the Aquarius new Moon – and therefore – according to Chinese legend – shapes and influences the energy and characteristics of the year.
In Western astrology, the cycles of the twelve Chinese animal signs coincide with the 12-year cycle of planet Jupiter. This works well, as each child born under each animal sign experiences the beneficial “effects” of their birth animal the same year that they experience the overall goodness, growth and positive energetics of the tropical zodiac’s “great benefic” – jovial, giant planet Jupiter.
For those who want to explore the various traits and characteristics of the Chinese zodiac, as well as how to determine your own birth animal, go online. There are tons of links and information available. I have had a good time researching myself this year, but the funny thing is that it all my surfing led me to the myth of Medusa, the human gorgon-monstress who could turn her enemies to stone just by a look. Wow! And for those who are seeking a little ancient Chinese wisdom, here’s something I got off the Internet: This is the year of the water Snake, and all things will be possible. Saving money and being thrifty should be your top priorities. Delusion and deception are common in the year of the Snake. Stay alert! To gain the greatest benefits of the year, you must control spending and use your talents wisely. If you are planning to get married or to begin a business partnership, be sure to thoroughly investigate the other person’s finances and background before you legalize the alliance.
Chinese New Year of the Snake 4711 begins here in Colorado at sunset on Sunday, Feb. 10th. Good luck and may the wily wisdom and crafty cunning of the Snake help you negotiate your journey this year. Slither and slide, have a good ride!
Aries (Mar. 20-Apr.19) Chinese New Year 4711 crowns the Snake king as the Sun and Moon come together in late Aquarius in the wee hours of Feb. 10th. This translates as a lunar month and coming year of heightened focus and purpose. You now understand the power of your word, the freedom of honesty and the rewards of virtue. Wisdom is your ally.
Taurus (Apr. 20-May 20) The Aquarius new Moon literally opens your home and heart to people, places and things that awaken and inspire you. The world is a reflecting mirror of who and what you are today. Pay attention to internal dialogues consider whether they are positive and healthy. Monitor your emotional reactions to others. What are you here to learn? Who are your teachers?
Gemini (May 21-June 21) Uplifting and optimistic, the Aquarian lunar month perennially opens intellectual and spiritual doors of awakening and enlightenment. It’s time to explore the world, discover fresh insight and consider new paradigms. Get out and about; seek out unique and unusual people and pastimes. Consider change. Achievement is a theme. Do your best and get ‘er done.
Cancer (June 21-July 22) The sixth sign of the Chinese lunar cycle, the Snake is characterized as focused, constant and full of purpose. Endowed with wisdom and mystical by nature, this energy favors a strong will in tandem with a compassionate heart. Practice the art of focus, self-responsibility and sacrifice when it comes to accomplishment. Prune the bush, water the garden.
Leo (July 23-Aug.22) The Sun and Moon come together in fellow fixed and opposite sign Aquarius this week, initiating Chinese lunar New Year of the Snake and awarding you with the fortuitous opportunity to start fresh in your relationships. However, a square to the lunar nodes in Scorpio/Taurus insists on focus, perseverance and depth when it comes to others. Do it.
Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep.22) Chinese New Year 4711 has enlisted a battalion of planets in Pisces to hearken the message of compassion, forgiveness and surrender for us all. Also in the ethers, are themes of change and challenge. It is time to face fears head on, go deep and bring darkness to light. To what and whom have you given your power? Reclaim it as yours and go forth with grace.
Libra (Sep. 23-Oct. 22) Chinese lunar New Year of the Snake offers you another, more realistic and ultimately fruitful start on 2013. The stars align in fortuitous support of creative, enlightened personal change. Where are you not fully walking your talk? What are you longing for? What are your feelings and your body telling you? Retrofit and restructure your day, one day at a time.
Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) As philosopher, theologian and political wizard of the Chinese zodiac, the Snake awakens us to lunar year 4711. Celestial music favors focus, patience and prudence in matters of romance and finance. Utilize a common sense approach, evaluate situations, avoid unnecessary risk and carefully manage resources. Then count your blessings; enjoy the miracle of life.
Sagittarius (Nov. 23-Dec. 20) Uranus – modern ruler of Aquarius – aspects the Sun and Moon in a dance of awakening and change as Chinese New Year 4711 begins. The cosmic imperative dictates a brave, new era, one that necessitates a break from old, outworn gender-based paradigms and power-plays. It’s all about equality, equanimity and truth. Honesty sets you free. Live and breathe it.
Capricorn (Dec. 21-Jan. 19) In Capricorn, we develop integrity, self-discipline and stewardship. In Aquarius, we strive for equality, collaboration and progress. As you abdicate the celestial throne to your renegade companion, embrace the freedom of letting go. Open your body, mind and spirit to the paradigm of enlightened change and go with the illuminated flow. Live in the light.
Aquarius (Jan. 19-Feb. 18) As rebel and revolutionary of the celestial realm, gather your courage and strengthen your heart in a dance of enlightened change. It’s time to challenge dictatorial authority, restructure governments and renew hope. Use your brain in positive, productive disciplines and practices. Reform what is unfair and unsustainable. Lead by example. The time is now.
Pisces (Feb. 18-Mar. 20) This week’s fortuitous new Moon in revolutionary Aquarius squares the Scorpio solar eclipse of Nov. 13, 2012, urging us to remember the messages and feel the feelings evoked during that lunation and incorporate them into our present lives, now. Deep emotions and inspirational visions result in magic and magnificence. Produce and evolve.
Cynthia is a third generation astrologer living on a high mountain mesa 40 miles west of Telluride. Visit her website @ www.alacazem.com.
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