
The 7th annual Telluride Yoga Fest takes place this week, July 10 – July 13, with classes for all levels of practitioners: 4-day Guru pass, $495; 3-day Namaste pass, $395; 3-class pass, $108; all-day intensive, $150. Buy here now. With over 30 top-tier presenters leading more than 85...

The 7th annual Telluride Yoga Fest takes place this week, July 10 – July 13, with a class for all levels of practitioners: 4-day Guru pass, $495; 3-day Namaste pass, $395; 3-class pass, $108; all-day intensive, $150. Buy here now. Feel at one with or at odds with your womanly cycles?...

The 7th annual Telluride Yoga Fest takes place this week, July 10 – July 13, with classes  for all levels of practitioners: 4-day Guru pass, $495; 3-day Namaste pass, $395; 3-class pass, $108; all-day intensive, $150. Buy here now. Yoga is all about being awake, being mindful of...

In last week’s sermon I asked "Can we touch transcendence?”  "Are we capable of transcendence?" Our spiritual traditions teach us that we indeed can. If that is right, then the only other question is "Do we want to?" [caption id="attachment_12347" align="aligncenter" width="450"] Pastor Pat Bailey[/caption] http://youtu.be/aC5vYS-bIVY Editor’s Note: Dr. Pat...

Here are several excerpts from an article by Michael Forrester, a spiritual counselor and practicing motivational speaker, about recent research on energy transference between plants. A biological research team at Bielefeld University has made a groundbreaking discovery showing that plants can draw an alternative source of...

The title to my sermon last Sunday was "Have You Been on Your Knees Lately?" The posture of bowing or kneeling is one that reflects an attitude of heart. It can be seen as a posture of submission, as when we kneel before a king...

Here are several excerpts from a post by Carolyn Gregoire, a features editor at the Huffington Post, that offers an interesting analysis of The 10 Things Highly Intuitive People Do Differently.  Intuition is challenging to define, despite the huge role it plays in our everyday lives. Steve Jobs...

Last Sunday was Trinity Sunday in the church year. The Trinity is one of the ways that we picture God in the Christian tradition. When we try to literalize it, it makes no sense to modern consciousness.  When we tap into the rich spiritual history...

Mark DeNicola writes about the importance of creativity over conformity and shares a video (see below) from Jason Silva's Shots of Awe Series. “There is no one map for how to live our lives. Reality is just a word and you’re not supposed to use it...

Last Sunday was Pentecost Sunday – and also our annual Blessing of the Animals. So, with a little help from my dog friend Dinigi (Athabaskan for “Moose"), I preached a sermon that addresses that most important theological question: Do Dogs Go to Heaven? [caption id="attachment_12347" align="aligncenter"...