
Raise your hands if spending a few hours with a beautiful, intelligent, articulate woman is appealing. You get your chance at Between the Covers Bookstore on Friday, December 30, 5 – 7 p.m.. when poet Rosemerry Wahtola Trommer signs her latest book of poetry, "The Miracle...

It’s all about the ladies this coming week at Between the Covers Bookstore and High Alpine Coffee Bar. Line ‘em up like beautiful literary cocktails and sip, one at a time … Starting Wednesday, three authors grace our space this week: Jill Burchmore, Erzsebet Gilbert,...

Technology has changed the way humans perceive and communicate with the world, but it’s also possible -- at the most basic level -- it has altered the way we think...

Bliss Except When It Is Not We took a ride in a one horse open sleigh today, and I was one horse and the red sled was the open sleigh and the kids laughed and reeled as we trudged through the field and searched for the perfect Christmas tree, which was not hard to find. The noon sun, it caught in...

the truth enters the room like a cold cold breeze— sometimes we’re ready for a break from the heat, sometimes it’s just so cold * it’s not as if we can make ourselves fall in love with the world, but I’ve noticed that when I look up it’s more likely * it is after all the longest night and even though tomorrow it’s only one more minute of light it is one more minute * I have been praying for openings, and behind every door that...

When Shepherds keeping watch, saw a great sight As a child I was versed in stories of Wise Men whose learning of stars and planets revealed a great child would be born.  These early stories taught that learning the night sky could lead to knowledge and...

My father led me into the hills one Sunday in December more than 35 years ago.  I carried the saw; he carried the axe. We trudged through the snow, hunting the wild Christmas tree.  He checked each tree for fullness and height, trying to picture it...

Telluride local Bob Rubadeau is at it again. Well, not Rubadeau exactly. His on-page persona Wit Thorpe, up to his old tricks with a colorful assortment of victims dropping like stale jokes as the haunted private eye faces yet another classic who-dun-it caper exploding onto...

In Telluride, Wade Davis is a rock star. The man regularly plays to packed venues filled with his "groupies" – I admit to being in the fold  –  every time he returns to Mountainfilm, generally annually. Wade is an Explorer-in-Residence at the National Geographic Society and...

In the summer of 2009, Chef Bud Thomas and his wife Jenna came to Telluride’s Wilkinson Public Library to teach children how to make peanut butter and jelly crepes. “Knowing how much our daughter Hazel loves cooking, we were thrilled to offer this instructional opportunity to...