
Telluride Film Festival Cinematheque at the Wilkinson Public Library – Summer Series. This Monday’s Cinematheque welcomes a very special guest - Glory Fioramonti, Susan Sarandon's stunt double in “Thelma & Louise." The Telluride Film Festival and Wilkinson Public Library are thrilled to present THELMA AND LOUISE (1991, 106...

Jill Burkey of Grand Junction received the $1000 Mark Fischer Poetry Prize for her poem, “Beginning Mind,” at a ceremony May 16, 2015, during the Talking Gourds poetry program segment of the Telluride Literary Arts Festival. [caption id="attachment_51009" align="aligncenter" width="384"] Jill Burkey, winner, Mark Fischer Poetry...

Word Woman Rosemerry Wahtola Trommer of Placerville, Telluride, was named the third Poet Laureate of the Western Slope during the Talking Gourds Poetry Performances Saturday, May 16, 2015, at the Ah Haa School of the Arts during the Second Telluride Literary Arts Festival (LitFest). Emeritus Laureate...

Telluride’s one and only public library is turning 40 and we are celebrating!  To honor the 40th anniversary of the Wilkinson Public Library, on Friday, May 29, 7 p.m., the Telluride community is invited to AFTER HOURS IN THE STACKS. The celebration features drinks and appetizers, interactive theater by Telluride Theater;...

Memorial Day is a federal holiday, first first widely observed May 1868. The celebration commemorated the sacrifices of soldiers during the Civil War. Following the proclamation, participants decorated graves of more than 20,000 Union and Confederate soldiers. In years since World War I, the day has become a celebration...

Seven talented women writers reveal vulnerability through Literary Burlesque. "Close to the Bone," Friday, May 15, 7 p.m. at the Ah Haa School. What’s beneath the language of poetry? What does it mean to be vulnerable, to be a woman exposed? How much is too much...

“This is an opportunity to get together and party around the joy of reading. It is a celebration of that good ole fashioned past-time,” said Between the Covers Bookstore co-owner Daiva Chesonis, one of the original conspirators behind Telluride’s newest shoulder-season happening: Telluride Literary Arts Festival (LitFest), Thursday, May 14-17. A long-...

In most cases, the lucky ones, mothers are the Linus blankets of our early lives. We hang on as long as we can. Early on, we can’t go to sleep without them nearby. When we think of our most cherished childhood memories, moms typically play central roles in the...

According to several blog sites,  72 percent of moms felt more beautiful when they were pregnant. And for Mother’s Day, 1 in 4 moms say they want a trip to the spa.  And that goes for grandmothers too. Why shouldn’t grandmothers be indulged? High fashions brands such as Dolce...

The following is an excerpt from "EPOXY DELUXE,” a book Oleh Lysiak is working on about THE FLYING EPOXY SISTERS. The story line features both contemporary and historical Telluride and is a Telluride Inside...