August 2014

Editor’s Note: Kierstin Bridger is the 2011 winner of Telluride Arts’ Mark Fischer Poetry Prize and a regular contributor to Telluride Inside… and Out. Possibly the edgiest member of our family of fabulous writers/poets, including Word Woman Rosemerry Wahtola Trommer and “Feelosophy” major David Feela, Kierstin surprised us...

If Facebook ‘likes” are a measure of my parenting coolness, then most indicators show I’m a pretty cool mom. A picture of my seven-year-old, Mollie, jumping off a dock with her cousins – 31 likes. My four-year-old, Belle, euphorically jumping in a puddle in the...

The title to my sermon last Sunday was "Does My Body Have a Soul?" Is there something to our existence that is not bound by time, body, or space?  Can such consciousness survive death?  Or is the better question, can our consciousness survive birth?  Are...

Asking Regional Residents to Complete Health Survey The Tri-County Health Network (TCHNetwork, a nonprofit comprised of regional health care providers, is working to better understand the health needs of the region. Over the next five weeks, TCHNetwork ‘s Outreach Team will be canvassing the communities of...

The cat is out of the bag. The Telluride Film Fest’s lineup was published hours ago. Now the speculation about the movies that are actually here is heating up. Take this story by Pete Hammond from The 41st Telluride Film Festival, which has become a...

August 28 to September 4, 2014  Visible planets: Morning: Venus, Jupiter  Evening: Mercury, Mars, Saturn Last Tuesday I drove to Telluride with 10 pounds of ripe organic heirloom tomatoes for Marta, the stunning Icelandic diva who runs the Telluride Bistro - my favorite Italian restaurant in...

Hello, my name is Shepp and I am one of the featured pets at Second Chance this week. (Don’t tell my brothers, Stan and Seth though, they might get jealous. ) We came to Second Chance Humane Society about a month ago. I am just about...

41st edition plays host to 25 new feature films in its main program. Tribute programs honoring Volker Schlöndorff, Hilary Swank and the 35th Anniversary of "Apocalypse Now." The people who make the popcorn seem to know what they are doing. Let’s give them a hand. And so do the...