May 2014

If you want to start Independence Day with a BANG, then it’s time to register for the Telluride Foundation’s fourth annual Rundola footrace.  The race takes place on July 4th at 8 a.m.  The Rundola is an uphill footrace open to anyone who dares to...

An official selection of Mountainfilm 2014, with guest appearances by producer Erin Krozek and star bull-rider Char Duran. “Queens & Cowboys” screens at the Masons Friday night at  9 p.m. and at the Nugget on Sunday at 6 p.m.  This is not my first rodeo. That...

Editor’s Note: This year, The Telluride Farmers' Market collaborates with Mountainfilm to put on the popular Ice Cream Social, bringing fresh, organic local produce, flowers and delicious homemade food. Vendors' stalls will be open  1– 5 p.m. Saunter down to main street for a free scoop of...

Much of the year, Telluride’s splendor is obvious – almost obnoxiously in your face. Powder days, Bluegrass Festival, mid-summer Prospect rides and Highline hikes. These are the images that flash through our minds when we think about what we love most about Telluride. In the spring,...

Editor’s Note: Shelley Silbert is the executive director of Great Old Broads for the Wilderness, an organization that gives voice to the millions of older and not-so-able Americans who wish to see our wild public lands protected for future generations. She will speak at Mountainfilm's...

My wife, Debbie, and I recently visited our families in Atlanta. The focus of our trip was to address some financial and housing issues of our aging parents, my 84-year-old mother and Deb's 80-year-old father. We knew that it wasn't going to be easy.  So...

“Copenhagen,” a play by Michael Frayn, is about a meeting between two people in 1941 that held major implications for the course of events during World War II. [caption id="attachment_40909" align="aligncenter" width="600"] Wes Munsil as Neils Bohr; Marc Graham as Werner Heisenberg, courtesy John Hand Theater[/caption] That...

May 15 to 22, 2014   Visible Planets: Morning: Venus Evening: Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn The full Moon rising above the snow-covered San Juans in turquoise twilight last night was awesome. The first colored night-lights of the tiny town of Norwood twinkled below. The sky was a...

If you marvel at the prose of John Updike, you’ll enjoy the biography by Adam Begley. I suppose my job is to answer the question for non-believers: Why should I read this?  My answer is this: Begley’s fine portrait helps us see the combination of family forces and...