16 May ALACAZEM 2014.05.15
May 15 to 22, 2014 Visible Planets: Morning: Venus Evening: Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn
The full Moon rising above the snow-covered San Juans in turquoise twilight last night was awesome. The first colored night-lights of the tiny town of Norwood twinkled below. The sky was a cloudless, watercolor wash in cerulean blue. No wind, just crisp, cool springtime air. The quiet beauty was daunting…
While I find perpetual solace and comfort in the Sun, Moon and stars, the magnificent, abundant forgiveness, generosity and fertility of nature and the Mother Earth, I am finding the ongoing and long-term planetary square between radical, liberty-loving Uranus [in self-survival Aries] and seething, pull-you-down-in-the-depths Pluto [in authoritarian, this-is-the-way-it-is, like-it-or-not Capricorn] to be challenging, in the very the least. I am super-maxed these days with responsibilities – things that I’ve signed up for and things that I have definitely not signed up for, but have fallen into my life and lap – things that I am compelled to do body and soul. Too much on my plate and trying to “get it all done.”
At the end of every day, of course, I know I’m not the only one. We’re all in this together. I see and hear about it almost everywhere I go. Dynamic force; personal, global, collective awakening and ultimate, unstoppable, transformational metamorphic change.
Today I work on acceptance, surrender and right action. With these cardinal grand crosses, it is all about action. Do your best, take the test. Sink or swim, win or lose; success or failure. We must do what we can, for ourselves and the good of all concerned, every day, every minute, every second. Mars, Jupiter, Pluto and Uranus, dancing a square dance of you, me, them and the other. C’est la vie. Such is life. Onward Cosmic Traveler. God bless, may we walk in beauty and find peace in the eternal heart of Creation.
Aries (Mar. 20-Apr.19) With radical, rebellious Uranus moving through the middle degrees of your sign – basically halfway through its 7-year transit in Aries – you are more than familiar with its revolutionary effects. It’s all about positive, truthful change; living honestly, no matter what. And with out-of-the-closet Pluto involved, there are no more secrets. Let go and surrender.
Taurus (Apr. 20-May 20) On the heels of the lusty, out-of-the-dark and into-the-light May full Moon, you may feel as if you have seen it all and done what you can when it comes to others. Partners and mates, commitments and responsibilities in relationships, as well as your own personal commitments to yourself are highlighted. Focus on emotional detachment and spiritual balance.
Gemini (May 21-June 21) You may experience a sudden awakening from or strong attraction to a friend, friendship, sisterhood or brotherhood as beauty-loving Venus pairs up with electric Uranus in your solar 11th house of fellowship and camaraderie. Connect with people of like mind and spirit, common interest and/or goals. Altruistic, truthful sharing brings reward and engenders romance.
Cancer (June 21-July 22) As the Sun moves through the last degrees of earthy Taurus and enters air-apparent Gemini on May 20th you may feel a subtle but major shift in priority and consciousness. The coming month favors introspection, soul-searching, meditation and prayer. Consider what’s going on inside in relation to what you experience on the outside. Get in touch with spirit.
Leo (July 23-Aug.22) Romantic, love-loving Venus joins force with quick-acting, love-at-first-sight Uranus in your solar 9th house of higher mind and spirit this week, fueling sudden attraction and impulsive action when it comes to others. Intensity and seduction are themes as you weave your way through strong emotions and questionable situations. Just do the right thing – be honest.
Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep.22) A prolonged period of relative self-stasis and self-review is coming to an end this week as motivator Mars goes direct in your solar 2nd house of personal resource and reliance. While you may have struggled with self-doubt or run from responsibility, now you will find it easy to get up and go forward. Embrace courage and take action, work! One day at a time.
Libra (Sep. 23-Oct. 22) Mighty Mars, ancient god of war and men, resumes forward motion in Libra this week, closing the door on three months of retrograde. This translates as a major shift of priority and desire, a time of passionate discovery and personal creativity. Understanding ego, releasing self-importance and embracing humility are keys to making magic. Go for gold.
Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) Where have you been and where are you heading? Saturn still retrograde in Scorpio continues to present you with golden opportunities for and magical doors to authentic, realistic self-improvement via lessons and learning. All you have to do is show up, be present and do the work. No illusions or delusions allowed. It’s about sobriety and responsibility. If not today, when?
Sagittarius (Nov. 23-Dec. 20) With so much going on in the world and cosmos, how can you find the solid ground you need to build your life and relationships? Of course, it’s all begins within, upon the fertile soil of soul and spirit. Great benefits come via opening your heart and mind to shamanistic practices and holistic teachings. Travel the road less traveled to the magical place of grace and gratitude.
Capricorn (Dec. 21-Jan. 19) A magnetic, charismatic attraction may have pulled you toward something or someone that you feel you cannot resist. And yet, in all the heat and passion, you must consider the risks, challenges and potential pitfalls of the situation. Awaken to inner truth and simply do the next right thing. As you change inside, the world changes outside. Follow your heart.
Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) Voluptuous Venus dances with Pluto, embraces Uranus and flirts with Jupiter this week, attracting attention to her divine beauty and celestial charm. Enjoy the show and observe the necessity and magic of the soft and sweet. Girls, women, mothers and sisters, the Mother Earth. Respect and nurture what and who feeds and takes care of you, your life and liberty.
Pisces (Feb. 19-Mar. 20) As the Sun moves from the solid ground of Taurus into the fickle, changing winds of Gemini, you may feel a slight change of mood and modality. Personal patterns, habits and behaviors stand out against the backdrop of changing relationships, situations and conditions. Cultivate inner peace via personal responsibility and daily practice.
Cynthia is a third generation astrologer living on a high mountain mesa 40 miles west of Telluride. Visit her website @ www.alacazem.com.
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