May 2014

Waiting for spring in the Rockies is like waiting for a child to emerge out of puberty. An adult one day; a child the next. Sun one day; snow the next. If you wait for things to even out, you’ll go crazy. It can take...

First and foremost: Happy Mother’s Day! Yesterday the Internet was chockablock with tantalizing morsels to honor moms all over the world. This post by Shelley Emling for HuffPost Lifestyle was particularly charming. [caption id="attachment_40764" align="aligncenter" width="488"] Mother scolding daughter, courtesy of Huffington Post[/caption] Mother Knows Best, right? At least...

Editor’s note: Internet research came up with the history of Mother’s Day. The tribute was first suggested in 1872 by Julia Ward Howe (who wrote the words to the “Battle Hymn of the Republic”) as a day dedicated to peace. In 1907, Philadelphian Ana Jarvis began a campaign to...

May 8 to 15, 2014  Visible Planets:Morning: Venus Evening: Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn It’s springtime in the Rockies. Mud and snow, sleet, rain and hail. Magnificent sunshine, peek-a-boo light and budding trees. Brave tulips and yellow daffodils pop up out of heavy mulch as cerulean bluebirds...

First Literary Arts Festival in Telluride features eclectic events for book lovers. Come get “Lit” in town, Thursday, May 15 – Sunday, May 18.  “This is an opportunity for everyone to get together and party about reading," says Between the Covers Bookstore co-owner Daiva Chesonis, the originating force...

Norwood and longtime Telluride regional resident, April Montgomery, program director of the Telluride Foundation, was recently elected Chair of the  Colorado Water Conservation Board (CWCB). Governed by a 15-member Board, the CWCB’s responsibilities range from protecting Colorado’s streams and lakes to water conservation, flood mitigation, watershed protection,...