April 2013

April 11 to 18, 2013      Visible Planets: Morning: Mercury, Saturn  Evening: Jupiter  The Aries new Moon is in many ways the true beginning of the natural astrological year. As the Sun, Moon and Earth form their annual conjunction in the zodiac’s first sign – which can...

Telluride Historical Museum’s annual journal, "Telluride Tales," explores historic preservation in Telluride In 1977, trumpet legend Dizzy Gillespie trumpeted his thoughts on Telluride: "If this ain’t paradise, heaven can wait." He was not (and is not) alone in his enthusiasm. Before and since, many have echoed similar praise for...

On Sunday, April 14, 10:00 p.m. MST), PBS premieres an awe-inspiring film from Academy Award-nominated director Josh Aronson. Aronson's latest documentary,“Orchestra of Exiles,” tells the dramatic story of Bronislaw Huberman, the celebrated Polish violinist who rescued some of the world's greatest musicians from Nazi Germany, then...

Editor’s note: It’s no secret. The Telluride region is dog heaven. Unless you are one of our furry friends who gets caught in the maw of neglect and abuse. Then heaven is on hold until Second Chance Humane Society comes to the rescue. Second Chance...

Ah spring break! We sometimes forget as we disperse ourselves from the Telluride region the rest of the world goes about living a more normal existence, sticking close to home. Heading out – in the snow – this week, I am part of the Gunnison Valley Farm...

[caption id="attachment_29569" align="alignright" width="300"] Cover art by Kellie Day[/caption] Poetry began to spill out of Erika Moss Gordon when she was a young child. Today, the themes have changed, but the words are still spilling. "Of Eyes and Iris" is her first book and it charts...

Editor's Note:  Sometimes the truth is strange, stranger than fiction. Sometimes it is fiction. Sometimes it is both. We saw Jon Robin Baitz's "Other Desert Cities," a play about truth, in preview. Denver Center policy prohibits reviews of previews, so I obediently sat on my...

The Telluride Ski Resort formally closes this afternoon. It's been a strange year on the mountain. Personally, it was a short but great year for me. On March 19 & 20 I had two of my best days of skiing this season. TASP had several sessions...

I’ve been counting down our spring break trip to Hawaii since January. I’m not kidding-- on the January page of our calendar, Siri and I actually wrote the numbers “85, 84, 83….”, numbers that made us both sigh and snuggle down into her bed. It...

Editor’s note: Rev. Pat Bailey, pastor of Telluride’s Christ Presbyterian Church, takes a developmental and evolutionary view of faith, spirituality, and religious community. Join him for his weekly blog as he explores the ever-changing landscapes of perspectives and consciousness and discusses both the challenges and...