April 2013

Registration is now open for Rural Philanthropy Days, June 17 - 19 in Ouray and can be accessed here. The early bird registration price of $125 per person ends May 3. The standard price of $150 per person ends June 3. The 2013 Western Slope Rural Philanthropy Days...

One of the most common criticisms I hear about raising kids in Telluride is the lack of culture. This always puzzles me because I’m fairly certain that if I lived in a city, I wouldn’t be taking my children to the symphony, the opera or...

“One who breaks an unjust law must do so openly, lovingly, and with a willingness to accept the penalty," Martin Luther King [caption id="attachment_29198" align="alignright" width="300"] Beth & George Gage visiting Tim in prison[/caption] In a real-life game of monopoly (of the fossil fuel variety), he played...

People sometimes tell us that Mountainfilm in Telluride, which takes place every Memorial Day weekend (May 24 to 27, 2013), often conflicts with graduations and weddings. In the past, we’ve held our tongue because the laws of physics prevent a person from being in two...

Off season, when we leave Telluride on vacation, Gina the Dog does too. For the past 12 years (nearly her entire life), she has headed to the Cottonwood Ranch & Kennel in Crawford, where she became the loving pet she is today (albeit, still quirky)...

[caption id="attachment_29682" align="alignright" width="85"] "Life on the Rocks," by Kathleen Wells[/caption] Katherine Wells's obsession with petroglyphs (images pecked on stone) began in the 1960s. Three decades later, after careers as a teacher, a businessperson, and an artist in Southern California, Wells and Lloyd Dennis, her partner,...

Upcoming Museum field trips delve into regional Native American history. Tickets on sale now here. The Telluride Historical Museum is excited to announce two upcoming family field trips that bring Puebloan Native Americans up close and personal. The first field trip, Saturday, April 20, 8:30...

[caption id="attachment_29677" align="alignright" width="300"] This is about "Babe." Ag-Gag laws hide this abuse[/caption] Piglets flung into the air. Calves repeatedly given electric shocks. Dead chickens left to rot in cages next to living ones. Abuses like this should certainly concern lawmakers, both because these practices are...

Editor's note: Mountainfilm in Telluride Festival Director David Holbrooke took a few minutes from his crazy schedule to share what’s happened this week as he prepares for the Big Weekend, May 24-27, 2013. [caption id="attachment_29635" align="alignright" width="300"] Emily Long and David Holbrooke[/caption] This has been a peculiar...