Alacazem 2009.12.03
December 3 to 10, 2009
Visible Planets: Morning: Mars and Saturn Evening: Mercury and Jupiter
As the Sun moves through the middle degrees of Sagittarius, see if you can feel the optimistic, philanthropic energy of the Archer taking hold. The holiday season is quintessentially Sagittarius and we can’t help but be affected by the ho-ho-hos and merry-merrys. A distinct generosity of spirit permeates the ethers and we are called to open our hearts and let the joy in.
Ruled by magnanimous planet Jupiter, Sagittarius energy tends toward grandiosity and largesse. It’s the classic golden touch, the benevolent ruler, the guardian angel and the lucky charm. It’s good luck; good fortune and all things that are and make us feel “good.” Enthusiastic optimism fuels the Sagittarian fire and the flexible, adaptable quality of its modality keep the flames of hope, faith and truth flickering in the eternal hearth of Spirit.
Giving to others – especially those less fortunate – sharing the wealth and focusing on the goodness of the world rather than its darkness are characteristics of this very magnanimous sign. Holiday spirit, holiday cheer and holiday hustle are all classically Sag. And, of course, on the flip side of all this grandeur, we have over-indulgence, never-say-no and devil-may-care attitudes that can put us over the top or off the cliff.