Your Ah Haa Moment: Getting crafty for the holidays

Your Ah Haa Moment: Getting crafty for the holidays

[click "Play" to hear Sally Davis speak about her Ah Haa class]

Art_heart Telluride is no different. As contact sports go, there is nothing quite like the four weeks before Christmas. The games begin tomorrow night, December 2, Noel Nite, when stores in town officially open for the winter season. Not looking forward to the crowds (or the debt)? You can say "no" to consumerism and "yes" to creative and original presents from your imagination and heart. A 2005 study by the Center for a New American Dream showed that almost 80 percent of Americans wished the holidays were "less materialistic." And that was then, this is now. For meaningful alternatives to ready, aim, shop, sign up for classes at the Ah Haa School for the Arts.

Wineglass Wine Glass Painting with Anjali
December 5  |  Friday  |  11AM – 3PM  |  $70

Create personal hand-painted sets of wine, martini, or tumbler glasses and votives, also beaded charms for wine and martini sets.

Watercolor Postcards One-day workshop with Meredith Nemirov
December 10  |  Thursday  |  10AM – 3PM  |  $100

Join Meredith and make cards to start your personal collection or to give as gifts in this one-day session during which you will also learning different traditional watercolor techniques.

Holiday Shibori with Kathy Green
December 14  - 16  |  Monday – Wednesday  |  6 – 9PM  |  $210

A three-evening workshop for students with or without previous experience in
silk dyeing, who will create pieces using the shibori-resist methods or
silk painting. (Bring your own silk or purchase from Kathy. Space is limited.)

Collage1 Collage Art Mail with Sally Davis & Nancy Craft
December 8 & 9  |  Tuesday & Wednesday  |  5:30 – 7:30PM  |  $150

Working with collage and mixed media, create one-of-a-kind gifts such as unusual cards, envelopes, post cards, accordion books, surprise boxes, scrolls, etc. Davis and Craft will provide incentives including bees wax, exotic papers, maps, lace, buttons, oil pastels, fabric and more.

For further details, click the "play" button and listen to Sally Davis' podcast.

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