Alacazem 2009.03.13
March 12 to 20, 2009
Visible Planets: Morning: Mercury, Mars and Jupiter
Evening: Venus and Saturn
Where is God? What is God? Who is God?
How does one connect with God, with godliness and goodness – which is simply God with an extra “o”? In 12 step programs it’s called ‘good orderly direction,’ one’s Higher Power or a ‘power greater than ourselves’. In the world’s many and diverse religions, there are paths to God which include or dictate dogma and ritual. In nature, we see God in returning bluebirds, magnificent sunsets and crystalline snow. It’s easy for me to accept the fact that I’m not in control of the world economy or the weather on any particular day. I understand that there are forces far more powerful than myself, than my brothers and sisters, friends and neighbors. And yet, I also understand and intuit that we are all interconnected particles of light and life, individual and unique pieces of the holistic universe, the collective whole, the cosmic plan. We are the stars, made of starlight and born of magic, children of the cosmos and miracles of Creation.
As we move through the last week of winter, notice how differently you see and feel about the world around you. The Pisces zodiac month is one of transformation and metamorphosis. It is likened to gestation and the final phase of the embryonic period we spend inside our Mother’s womb. And just like that time, so long ago but so important to our life today, we are preparing for birth. The coming rebirth of spring, the primal thrust of Aries, the beginning of another natural solar year. It’s time to check in with the Great Spirit, honor the Great Mystery, connect with our angels and say prayers for peace, love, compassion and forgiveness. God bless and may we discover the divine within and all around us. As above, so below.