January 2009

The one, the only KOTO Lip Sync takes place this Friday at the Sheridan  Opera House. This is a SOLD OUT show. However, KOTO will auction off two sets of two tickets, on Thursday from 10-11.These tickets are valued at $56.00 a pair. Call...

[Click to hear interview with TNCC's Kim Wheels & Julie Schoenfeld] The Telluride region’s New Community Coalition and The San Miguel Power Association are pleased to announce a partnership with The Governor's Energy Office and the Colorado Solar Energy...

They sit glowing lime green, tawny ochre, brown gold, rusty red, in their bins at the market, thankfully almost always present, because they come twice a year, in summer and early winter. So it is rare that we undergo a dearth of pears, one sort or another always states “here I am” to the grocery list roll call. 

For that reason, pears are a preferred fruit for a poached fruit dessert. Besides, their resolute flesh more than endures a hot treatment, it triumphs in it. But while pears are plentiful, there seems to be a paucity of ideas on how to poach them, almost always entailing some version of red wine. Rather, why not turn to white wine, and for a real twist flavor it with one of the herbal teas so popular now. Here the choice is chamomile tea simmered with white wine into a luxurious, silken syrup.

For fun, crunch, and color, top off the pears with a sprinkle of tasty, green chopped pistachio nuts.  Green tea can also replace the chamomile, and a spoonful of a colorful fruit preserve can replace the nuts, make the dish fruit on fruit. Any way, the dish is an exceptional treat and will draw gleeful applause.

January 22 to 29, 2009

Visible Planets: Morning: Saturn
Evening: Venus

Prepare yourselves for the year's first total solar eclipse - not visible in the Rocky Mountain West - which takes place on Jan. 26th @ 12:55 a.m. MST in the early degrees of revolutionary Aquarius. For all, this translates as a time of great awakening and New Age awareness. We are all starting fresh, whether we realize it consciously or not. Look around and see the changes happening in and all around you. Get together with people you respect and admire. Recognize the power of friendship and collective effort. Think about service to humanity and what you have to give. Also take note of Chinese New Year 4704, Year of the Ox, which begins at sunset following the Aquarius New Moon. Good luck and may the evolutionary force of knowledge and the persevering power of the ox be with you.

January 23, 2009

On January 23rd, our beloved non-profit, local radio station, KOTO, will be holding its annual guest DJ day in an effort to raise money to pay for their yearly costs of operation and broadcasting. The theme is astrological this year, and will feature three DJs of each element in consecutive two hour segments, playing music of their choosing and hopefully, music from musicians of each element also. I’ve been asked to write a piece on the Four Elements, FYI. So, brush up on your astrological knowledge and tune in on Friday to find out who’s who.

The Four Elements – fire, earth, air and water – are the aggregates in the cornerstone of astrology – mankind’s oldest science - and as such, connect our physical, three dimensional world and our experience on it to the cosmic, ethereal world, i.e. the ethers – which is the fifth element of our Universe. They are the essential components of the astrological description of man.

Mark Galbo (can we now call him an impresario?)  of Telluride's Rock and Roll Academy gave TIO's Susan Viebrock an interview about the adult bands which will perform at the Sheridan Opera House, Saturday, 24 January 2009. ...

jumpin' jan & Noman

The goal for this season is $50,000 from a Telluride community campaign book-ended by Guest D.J. Day, this Friday, January 23, 9 a.m. – 5 p.m., and The John Cowan band, March 7, 7:30 p.m. at the historic Sheridan Opera House.

The theme of Guest DJ Day: the signs of the Zodiac. “It’s All in the Stars” runs all day, and features the following clusters of local superstars: