January 2009

TIO's Eileen Burns was out and amongst 'em in Telluride on New Year's Eve.She passed along a few photos to celebrate the beginning of 2009. Mayor Stu Fraser is shown with Town Council Member Andrea Benda and his wife, Ginny.  ...

January 1 to 8, 2009


Visible Planets: Morning: Saturn  Evening: Venus and Jupiter


Happy New Year! Another revolution around the Sun and 2008 is history. And what a year it has been! Lots to look forward to and plenty of great opportunities coming up to initiate change. It's all about taking personal responsiblity for our gifts and talents and then utilizing them in unusual, inventive ways - for the benefit of all concerned. We are living in an interconnected, inter-related, interactive Universe where everything we think, feel and do acts as an electromagnetic, evolutionary force of visionary vibration and creative manifestation. Never believe that you have no effect on the outcome. You are the outcome. Good luck and may the Force be with you!


[click play button to hear Art Goodtimes interview]

Art & Rio

I created “Doers” in February 1993, when Tony Daryani and Mike Ritchey asked me to write a weekly column for their newborn Telluride Daily Planet.  

The column continued to appear every Friday during Telluride’s high seasons of winter and summer until August 2008, when my career took a sharp right turn into the blogosphere. By then I had profiled 462 local notables and international celebrities.

(At #500, Will Thompson of the Telluride Gallery of Fine Art , “Telluride Inside… and Out’s” first official sponsor, has threatened to throw a major shindig for any Doer still kicking around town.)

“Doers” now continues in “Telluride Inside…and Out” – TIO for short – a blogazine all about the zazz of the region: what makes Telluride and surrounds such a unique address on the planet.