
For corona vaccine info, visit here. For up-to-date coronavirus information, visit here. For free coronavirus testing opportunities, visit here. For all Covid blogs from San Miguel County, go here. Below please find a letter of thanks from Public Health Director Grace Franklin. As we enter a season of gratitude...

The latest COVID booster guidelines are explained below by the Telluride Regional Medical Center’s Dr. Sharon Grundy. Support the Telluride Medical Center’s COVID Fund here. Get tested for Covid-19. Register for vaccine here. For more information surrounding the state’s COVID-19 dial, visit here. For additional Telluride Medical Center (TMC)...

Patients of the Telluride Regional Medical Center seeking care for respiratory symptoms, breaks, fractures, tumors or trauma can expect faster answers and enhanced care thanks to new equipment paid for by community donations to the Telluride Medical Center Foundation.  Support the Telluride Medical Center’s COVID...

San Miguel County puts out the word: Unified approach introduces clear testing, isolation and quarantine guidance for employees, parents, and children. For corona vaccine info, visit here. For up-to-date coronavirus information, visit here. For free coronavirus testing opportunities, visit here. For all Covid blogs from San Miguel County, go...