
“Intersect,” a conference on science and spirituality, takes place at Telluride’s Christ Church Friday and Saturday July 27 and July 28. The event, moderated by Dr. Pat Bailey and Teresa Westman, features dynamic speakers (bios below) and discussion, related activities, food and drink. All are welcome....

Join Telluride Arts for a week of events culminating in the Telluride Art + Architecture home tours, Saturday and Sunday, July 21 & 22. Join Tesla at the Telluride Arts District Headquarters during Art + Architecture from Friday, July 19th through Saturday, July 20th from 10:00am...

The 37th annual Telluride Mushroom Festival takes place Thursday, August 17 – Sunday, August 20. The full scheduled is here. Migrate around the site to find info on presenters, venues, book-signings, etc. Or filter by topic or venue. Festival overview in detail here. Tickets/passes here. Please scroll down...