
For more information surrounding COVID resources, testing and the concern form, visit here. For more information surrounding the state’s COVID-19 dial, visit here. Per last week’s announcement by Governor Jared Polis, the Telluride Med Center’s vaccine distribution efforts are currently focused on working with San Miguel County Department of...

San Miguel County Public Health says group size, time spent indoors and interaction outside of household members increases Covid risk. Go here for coronavirus information. For more information surrounding COVID resources, testing and the concern form, visit here. For more information surrounding the state’s COVID-19 dial, visit here. Understanding the...

Unstable infection rates continue as San Miguel County continues to experience high rates for COVID-19 incidence and positivity To register for free testing in Lawson Hill, visit here. For more information surrounding COVID resources, testing and the concern form, visit here. For more information surrounding the state’s COVID-19 dial, visit...

The Telluride Foundation’s Covid-19 Response Fund provides cash assistance for critical human needs to families impacted by the pandemic. San Miguel County expanding its support. Frequently Asked Questions about the Telluride Foundation’s Covid-19 Response Fund. Click HERE to make a donation or contact Katie Singer at (970) 729-1807...

San Miguel Public Health announced that the use of face coverings is proving to be nearly as effective as vaccination. CDPHE testing returns. For more information surrounding COVID resources, testing and the concern form, visit here. For more information surrounding the state’s COVID-19 dial, visit here. As vaccine administration...

San Miguel County reports case numbers return to an alarmingly high level after the holidays following a two-week decline. For more information surrounding COVID resources, testing and the concern form, visit here. For more information surrounding the state’s COVID-19 dial, visit here. San Miguel County Public Health is seeing...