
Based in Telluride, Mountainfilm is committed to supporting documentary filmmakers in telling stories that support its mission to use the power of film, art and ideas to inspire audiences to create a better world. The Commitment Grant and Emerging Filmmaker Fellowship  initiatives are two ways to do just that. Recently Mountainfilm awarded...

Fashion Friday 2.0 brings back a popular TIO fashion blog, first featuring Kristin Holbrook of Telluride’s Two Skirts, now brought to you by nationally renowned fashion and lifestyle blogger Erin Busbee, a Telluride local – and sponsored by Kristin and Two Skirts. What goes around… This week, Erin shares the fact...

San Miguel County puts out the word: Bivalent boosters address original and omicron strains of the COVID-19 virus. For the most up to date guidance surrounding CDC guidance, visit the CDC website. Individuals experiencing symptoms of COVID-19 or who may have been exposed can find free testing...

Fashion Friday 2.0 brings back a popular TIO fashion blog, first featuring Kristin Holbrook of Telluride’s Two Skirts, now brought to you by nationally renowned fashion and lifestyle blogger Erin Busbee, a Telluride local – and sponsored by Kristin and Two Skirts. What goes around… This week, Erin shares 10 of...