
December 22 to 29, 2011 Visible Planets: Morning: Mars and Saturn  Evening: Venus and Jupiter Winter Solstice takes place this year at 10:30 pm MST on Dec. 21st, when the Sun enters the cardinal earth sign Capricorn. Celebrations take place around the world on both...

 December 8 to 15, 2011  Visible Planets: Morning: Mars and Saturn  Evening: Venus and Jupiter “Anyone who is not shocked by quantum theory has not understood it.”  –  Niels Bohr “The most startling quantum fact is that there is no objective reality; the observer shapes...

October 13 to 20, 2011  Visible Planets: Morning: Mars and Jupiter  Evening: Mercury and Venus The Crimson Ivy and Crackling Fires of Libra/Scorpio It’s off-season in the San Juans and that translates as a time to slow down and take a look around. Magnificent Indian...