
June 16 to 23, 2011 Visible Planets: Morning: Venus, Mars and Jupiter  Evening: Saturn The Roller Coaster Ride to Summer Solstice [June 21st] June is Gemini’s month. The mutable modality of the sign is everywhere. From late May restlessness – the wind, melting snow, muddy...

May 19 to 26, 2011Visible Planets: Morning: Mercury, Venus, Mars and Jupiter  Evening: Saturn Battle Zones, Gangs, Practical Needs and Personal Responsibilities I don’t know about you, but I feel like I’ve been traveling through a metaphysical battle zone lately. I feel grateful and blessed...

May 12 to 19, 2011Visible Planets: Morning: Mercury, Venus, Mars and Jupiter  Evening: Saturn Aries Courage & Will + Taurus Earth Beauty and Bounty The recent alignment of personal planets Mercury (mind), Venus (love & money), Mars (motive and ego) with generous Jupiter (beliefs and...

April 28 to May 5, 2011Visible Planets: Morning: Mercury, Venus, Mars and Jupiter  Evening: Saturn A self-fueled, self-indulgent, self-obsessed Aries rant… I’m going to make this short. After all, with most of the planets in self-fueled Aries, why not be totally selfish and self-indulgent? [Aries]...

April 21 to 28, 2011Visible Planets: Morning: Venus  Evening: Saturn Mother, Father, sister, brother… Families are funny things, and we all have them. And mothers. Even abandoned children have mothers – somewhere, somehow – on the planet, dead or alive – a woman carried a...

March 31 to April 7, 2011Visible Planets: Morning: Venus  Evening: Saturn “From the alpha of Aries to the omega of Pisces, we spiral through space, passing through ever-new quadrants of the Universe. Each New Moon offers a special download of celestial information, illuminating new doorways...