
September 19 to 26, 2013   Visible Planets: Morning: Mars, Jupiter    Evening: Mercury, Venus, Saturn The Harvest Moon and autumn equinox – two of my favorite celestial events of the year. And in 2013, both take place within days of each other. Wow! I have been...

  September 12 to 18, 2013  Visible Planets:Morning: Mars, Jupiter  Evening: Mercury, Venus, Saturn  As we roll around the wheel, revolve around the Sun, we experience the ups and downs, starts and stops of life. The Mother Earth is a magnificently beautiful, abundantly generous provider...

August 29 to September 5, 2013  Visible Planets: Morning: Mars, Jupiter  Evening: Venus, Saturn   The waning Moon is a time of inner light and illumination. As nights grow darker, stars become brighter. The vast canopy of deep space shimmers with mystery and possibility, inviting us...

July 25 to August 1, 2013            Visible Planets: Morning: Mercury    Evening: Jupiter, Saturn  I love the fertile blend of the Cancer/Leo zodiac months. Mother Nature arrives in all her glory and abundance. Flowers blossom, fruits ripen and garden vegetables pop up in farmer’s markets and...

 July 11 to 18, 2013    Visible planets: Morning:  Mars, Jupiter      Evening:  Venus, Saturn This week I feel compelled to write about the long-standing, ongoing Uranus [in Aries] – Pluto [in Capricorn] cardinal square. Once again, like so many planetary transits, I feel the pull of...