
[click “Play” to hear Shelton Johnson’s conversation with Susan] Documentary filmmaker Ken Burns is a board member of Mountainfilm in Telluride, where his series, “The National Parks: America’s Best Idea” premiered in 2009. Among the many noteworthy individuals featured in the Burn’s classic-in the-making is...

Based in Telluride, Mountainfilm is excited to announce its 2024 Commitment Grant  & Emerging Filmmakers recipients. Go here to donate to help Mountainfilm create a better world. Go here for more about Mountainfilm (going back to 2009). Mountainfilm is committed to supporting filmmakers and advancing filmmaking excellence...

A special Mountainfilm edition of Telluride Arts’ Art Walk takes place Friday, May 24. Participating venues are open from 4-7pm and host receptions to introduce their new exhibits and artists.  Complimentary Gallery Guides, offering a self-guided tour, are available at participating venues or online at The...

Telluride Arts’ Art Walk takes place Thursday, April 4. Participating venues are open 5-8pm, hosting receptions to introduce new exhibits and artists.  Complimentary gallery guides, offering a self-guided tour, are available at participating venues or online at Use it any time to help navigate through the venues which...

Telluride Arts’ Art Walk takes place Thursday, March 7. Participating venues are open 5-8pm, hosting receptions to introduce new exhibits and artists.  Complimentary gallery guides, offering a self-guided tour, are available at participating venues or online at Use it any time to help navigate through the venues which...