Editor’s note: In his doctoral dissertation, Pastor Pat Bailey of Telluride’s Christ Presbyterian Church is claiming the need for a re-visioning of the Christian church’s the
November 8 to 15, 2012 Visible Planets: Morning: Venus and Jupiter Evening: Mercury and Mars It’s a new day, a new era, a new age. From the Dawning of the Age of Aquarius i
Editor’s note: Year after year, the Library Journal Index of Public Library Services, a public library rating system, has designated Telluride’s Library a five-star institution
Imagine having a dinner party in an art gallery, walking among dynamic paintings and intricate sculptures while sipping wine and nibbling on tasty hors d’oeuvres. How would it be
Editor’s note: Author/poet/recently retired teacher-writing instructor David Feela is a regular contributor to Telluride Inside… and Out. His latest book, “How Delicate These
Two programs that provide for more comfortable homes, lower utility bills and access to renewable energy An idea and some encouragement by the Telluride Foundation to support and e
Event planned to attract new would-be actors and volunteers The Bard said it first,”…the play’s the thing.” (“Hamlet,” Act 2, scene 2). But when
On Tuesday, October 30, The Telluride Town Council voted unanimously to adopt an update of the Telluride Cultural Master Plan originally adopted in 1996. Telluride Arts facilitated
Editor’s note: In his doctoral dissertation, Pastor Pat Bailey of Telluride’s Christ Presbyterian Church is claiming the need for a re-visioning of the Christian church’s the
November 1 to 8, 2012 Visible Planets: Morning: Venus and Jupiter Evening: Mercury and Mars Holy Maria, Madre de Dios……Get out and Vote! Halloween, All Saints Day
Set some colored pencils, watercolor paints, or clay in front of a child and watch his eyes light up. The magic of seeing a rainbow of colors or feeling a piece of cool, tactile cl
Editor’s Note: “Bidder 70,” made by Telluride locals George and Beth Gage, premiered last May at Mountainfilm in Telluride. Last spring, the documentary was featu
Editor’s note: Author/poet/recently retired teacher-writing instructor David Feela is a regular contributor to Telluride Inside… and Out. His latest book, “How Delicate These
Editor’s note: In his doctoral dissertation, Pastor Pat Bailey of Telluride’s Christ Presbyterian Church is claiming the need for a re-visioning of the Christian church’s the
October 25 to November 1, 2012 Visible Planets: Morning: Venus and Jupiter Evening: Mercury, Mars and Saturn Halloween. Witches, ghosts and goblins. Things that go
Telluride Foundation to award approximately $900,000 to local and regional nonprofits The Telluride Foundation’s annual Community Grant application is due 5 p.m., Monday, October
Was it the 25 outrageous bras decorated by Telluride community members, the beefy firemen wearing them as they swaggered atop the New Sheridan Bar? Or was it the wide-spread concer
When I think of the 80’s, three things come to mind: peg-leg jeans, Michael Jackson, and Ghostbusters. The film Ghostbusters was the first movie that I ever went to without my pa
It’s rare to have an artist on your iPod that you listen to while running and while relaxing. But bluegrass musician Abigail Washburn is just that. Her clawhammer banjo-infused t
Editor’s note: In his doctoral dissertation, Pastor Pat Bailey of Telluride’s Christ Presbyterian Church is claiming the need for a re-visioning of the Christian church’s the