Dazzling duo, Rosemerry & Art, poets extraordinaire


Dazzling duo, Rosemerry & Art, poets extraordinaire

Dazzling duo, Rosemerry & Art, poets extraordinaire

Soon it will be Valentine’s, stirring up those hot-blooded passions at a cold-blooded time of year.

Join the Talking Gourds Poetry Club for an evening of warm words, interactive sharing and romantic performances. The event takes place Tuesday, February 5, 6 p.m. (And the first Tuesday every month thereafter.)

Wordwoman Rosemerry Wahtola Trommer will be channeling Pablo Neruda. Poet and councilman Art Goodtimes, in a big gender-bending swticheroo, Sappho.

Locals are encouraged to bring a love poem (or two) from a favorite author (or two). Dress is informal; the wine, divine. Be prepared to assist in assembling a disorder of poets out of the chaos of the vine.

As a preview of the evening, below are two poems as teasers from Rosemerry and Art, in order:

Wu Wei (by Rosemerry)

Love wakes up in the dark.
She does not make you waffles.
She does not light a candle.
She does not wake you
with a wild symphony of kisses.
She does not sing .
She does not paint you art.
She sits on the couch and
watches outside as the sun
does not yet give any hints
of rising. If someone were
to walk by, they might say,
this is Love?  I thought
it looked different.
She does not bake your
favorite cake today,
nor your favorite bread.
She does not whisper to you. Come noon,
she does not catch you by the hand
and rush you into the middle
of the field where it’s whiter
and wider and warm. She does not
wish on any of the evening’s
glittering stars. She does not
offer you chocolates nor wine.
And all day, quietly, listening
to your heart, she deepens in her work,
which is no work at all,
who could explain it, (have you watched
the way a lily opens?)
loving you.


Juicy (by Art)
(a counter encounter)

goddess bejeweled
you were right
the minneolas unpeeled

were so juicy
they splashed & spilled

as I juggled
my wheeled box of combustion
back to the mountains

& the snowy arms of
the san miguel
something about the way

you grabbed my hands
asked my name
how you loved your rings

party flecks like mica
flashing on your cheeks
how silly

how unrealistic to be
so moved by minneolas
at the checkout

all the way home
up & over I-70

through the eisenhower tunnel
& down to vail’s
military industrial

rocky mountain R&R
amid bursts of snowfall
& icy tight turns

I can’t stop remembering
a jeweled smile
the tibetan bracelet of your touch

a moment’s chance
amid debits credits

whole foods
& organic eyes
& i’m having a hard time

holding on
to the wheel of the box
as I grab another

orange globe from the bag
& suck its sweet juice
sticky on my lips

About Talking Gourds:

Talking Gourds Poetry Club is a a collaboration among local poets, the Wilkinson Library, Between the Covers Bookstore, and Arroyo’s. Members meet monthly, first Tuesdays, in the evening, at Arroyo’s Fine Art Gallery & Wine Bar at 220 E. Colorado Ave., 970.239.2006

1 Comment
  • Sally Russell Warrington
    Posted at 13:55h, 05 February

    What a great idea! If I were not 3000+ miles away, I’d be there with a few love poems of my own. Rosemary, I love the mystery and the tangible details in yours. Have fun tonight!