
I love October. Not because it brings pumpkins, Halloween costumes (not my favorite mode of dress!), or crunchie leaves to roll around in (love that!). It is because, for millions of dogs, October brings the promise of a better life. Welcome to Adopt-A-Shelter-Dog Month, when...

From last January through August, Forbes, Vogue, W, Architectural Digest, Free Skier, West FW Lifestyle all sent bouquets to Telluride. (Find all those reviews here.) In the run-up to the 2017-1018 ski season, to whet your appetite and as a reminder of the love Town &...

This week, the BootDoctor in the House focuses on the upcoming winter season in Telluride – and gods. At the top of the list of celestial beings of note is Ullr, the Norse god of snow. But Ullr is not the only big name in the...

Telluride-based EcoAction Partners is pleased to partner with CORRecycling, Inc. to bring easy electronics recycling to the Telluride region. On Friday, October 20,  11 a.n. – 3 p.m., EcoAction Partners and CORRecycling, Inc. are accepting unwanted electronics for proper disposal/recycling at Carhenge Parking Lot in...

We in Telluride hold these truths to be self-evident: Move it or lose it. If we want to live longer and well, we need to exercise more than previously thought. Writing for the Huff Post, Suzy Strutner tells us how much and how. It’s official: If you want...

Thought it might be important way before the holiday season to, um, weigh in on Jennifer Rollin, MSW, LCSW-C & contributor to the Huffington Post. Her most recent blog is about "Your 'Ideal' Weight Isn't What You Think." Read before you start obsessing about an...

Dear Pet Column, One of my cats passed away a few weeks ago and my remaining cat appears to be sad and lonely. Should I get another cat to cheer him up? Sincerely, Lonely Cat Momma [caption id="attachment_69630" align="aligncenter" width="600"] Savannah[/caption] Dear LC, Sorry for your loss. And yes, the confusing...

Please scroll down to the bottom of the story to watch Clint Viebrock's video of the happy couple exchanging their vows. Here’s a happy headline for a change, one that, err, trumps all the "fake news," even the latest, greatest sex scandal. And in today’s world...

We curated the following blog post about “20 Ways to Reduce Your Carbon Footprint” from Telluride’s green conscious, EcoAction Partners. All suggestions are based on information from the US Department of Energy and the Environmental Protection Agency (or noted). For more ways about how to be...