
Dear Pet Column,  Do cats get cavities? [caption id="attachment_73420" align="aligncenter" width="600"] Tango[/caption] Here is a mostly unknown feline fact: cats don’t get cavities like humans do. Instead we get something called cat tooth resorption. To add to the allure of the mysterious cat, no one really knows...

On Monday morning, January 19, Matt Matt Windt, VP Sales & Marketing for Telski, had this to say – with a wink. "Today is the day to call in sick. Telluride got 12" of new snow in the past 24 hours; 20” in the past few days." [caption id="attachment_73395"...

Many believe traditional Western medicine does not meet their lifestyle needs. And the studies are in on yoga and meditation: regular practices of either or better, both together, can be transformational down to the level of your DNA. But what about crystals – and Himalayan...

Fashion Friday 2.0 brings back a popular TIO fashion blog, first featuring Kristin Holbrook of Telluride's Two Skirts, now brought to you by Erin Busbee and sponsored by Kristin and Two Skirts. What goes around...

The Telluride Choral Society's SpringSing celebrates flight – or rather that wonderful feeling of soaring when your heart takes wing. The concert, "Take Flight," takes place Friday, March 23, 7 p.m. at Telluride's Christ Church. Tickets, $20 for adults: $10 for children, at the door. For more...

We all know challenges arise from being strapped financially and trying to raise children. We may not be as familiar, however, with issues that surface around children of affluence. Children brought up in wealthy households sometimes feel isolated and different and are often treated as strange...

Ok I will admit it. I was amazing. For those who missed the first ever Furry Flicks & Fashion last weekend in Ridgway – a great success by the way! – you missed out on me leading the shelter dog line in the dog fashion show.  And I...

Telluride Yoga Festival regular Gina Caputo returns to town to teach a series of workshops at the Telluride Yoga Center the weekend of March 23 – March 25. Classes include three public intensives, PLUS a teacher's workshop to earn 5.5 hours of Continuing Education Units...

Fashion Friday 2.0 brings back a popular TIO fashion blog, first featuring Kristin Holbrook of Telluride's Two Skirts, now brought to you by Erin Busbee and sponsored by Kristin and Two Skirts. What goes around...

In last week’s Pet Column, one of the silly shelter dogs wrote all about his upcoming debut in Second Chance’s Furry Fashion Show happening this weekend, March 10, at the 4H Event Center in Ridgway.  Well, this Putty Tat is here to throw down some feline...