Your Ah Haa Moment: Child’s play
Some of us in Telluride heard that totally subversive speech by our President on Tuesday. You know the one: Obama actually urged kids to make the most of themselves. Take responsibility. "Just like Mao," said Fix News talking heads.
Telluride's Ah Haa School for the Arts must have gotten hold of an advanced copy of Obama's pep talk. Starting September 14, every Monday and Wednesday, ARTrageous After School Days, 3:15 – 5:30 p.m., offers a wide array of creative projects, from puppet-making to recycled creations. Wednesday is clay day. For two hours, young kids get to create critters that would make Wallace and Grommit proud. What's more, Ah Haa plays the willing chauffeur and plans to pick up students outside school on ARTrageous days.