
In 2013, Telluride Theatre performed an original play, "Dinner with Dionysus," at Telluride's Ah Haa School. What unfurled on stage was a sly, seductive and captivating story about a dinner party thrown by the god of wine; liberation and ritual madness ensued. Now the one-of-a-kind...

Telluride has a tendency of doing holidays in ways that are distinctly its own. On the Fourth of July, the town explodes in Apple Pie Americana. On Halloween, a river of costumed children parades down Main Street. And on Thanksgiving, we like to ski. Christmastime...

Guillermo del Toro came to Telluride, specifically to the 2017 Telluride Film Festival, and conquered, winning hearts and minds with his most recent masterpiece, "The Shape of Water," our bet for a sure recipient of an Oscar nod. (Go here to read our review. ) Now,...

The Telluride Arts’ Telluride Holiday Arts Bazaar is to the Christmas season what the robin is the the spring — it represents the official start to Telluride's holiday season. The weekend-long event allows shoppers to find unique, hand-crafted gifts and gifts made by regional artisans, all in...

Telluride's middle school thespians will bring the whimsy and humor of Dr. Seuss to the stage this weekend with performances of "Seussical the Musical." The play, directed by new SAF Young People's Theatre Director Leah Nikula, will be performed Dec. 1-3 at 6 p.m. nightly...

The point of it all is to break down the headlines, determine why an issue is important, and reveal the best arguments on each side of the story. Recently Cleo Abram explored the tax cuts proposed by Republicans and the implications they posed. This week she tackles net...

In 2018, The Telluride AIDS Benefit will celebrate 25 years of raising funds and awareness to end HIV/AIDS. Through its annual fashion shows, which provide smashing, sophisticated and highly entertaining affairs, TAB raises more than $100K annually for prevention and client services programs. The 2018...

Mountainfilm has hired Suzan Beraza to take the reins of the 40-year-old organization as its Festival Director. The organization also announced that pioneering alpinist Conrad Anker will serve as Guest Director in 2018. Telluride-based documentary filmmaker Suzan Beraza is no stranger to Mountainfilm having worked, volunteered...

In this Thanksgiving poem by our not-regular-enough contributor David Feela, a hawk could be a meta for us post-Thanksgiving and into the holiday season. If, that is, the day after, we see ourselves sitting high on the pole, fully satisfied and deeply grateful. If, as...

Clint and I will not be doing the Turkey Trot this year, will not be breaking bread or pulling skeletons out of closets around the Thanksgiving table. But still, on November 23rd, our plates will be full - most likely, but with French bistro fare...