
In an effort to give promising filmmakers a much-needed leg-up early in their careers, Telluride's Mountainfilm has launched an Emerging Filmmaker Fellowship. The initiative, which will provide a filmmaker with a yearlong mentorship, festival networking and development assistance, begins in 2018 with Texas-based filmmaker Matthew...

The point of it all is to break down the headlines, determine why an issue is important, and reveal the best arguments on each side of the story. Recently Cleo Abram explored the hot button issue of net neutrality. Recently she tackled the massive, very unpopular tax bill...

This week, the BootDoctors in the House focuses on what's on everyone's mind during the holiday season: lists. And no matter how darn organized you are, there is likely to be at least one person among your Christmas shopping needs who has stopped you dead in your,...

Telluride Theatre's must-see (to believe)"Dinner with Dionysus" takes place Friday, December 15 –Saturday, December 23, 7 p.m., with no show on Wednesday, December 20. After-show talk-backs are Monday, December 18 and Friday, December 22. " All at the Palm Arts Complex's "The Bob."  New this time...

The recent spate of accusations of sexual assault has shocked and alerted the people of our country and the members of the Telluride community. In the following blog for Shrink Rap, Dr. Susannah Smith goes deep into that difficult subject. What has become clear to all...

Telluride's Ah Haa School for the Arts still has tables for its annual – and spectacular, read, great art and food to match – New Year's Eve Gala. Purchase individual seats here for $300 or a full 8-person round table for $2250. Purchase tickets here or...

The Telluride Foundation hosts its 7th Annual Telluride Gives Day on 12/17. $5,000 in matching funds for participating nonprofits. Whether you love animals, support early childhood education, the arts, the environment, libraries, or have other philanthropic interests, Telluride Gives is a way for you to give back...

Telluride Arts' Gallery 81435  presents "Be Unbroken," an immersive installation exhibit by Flair Robinson, up from December 2017  through January 2018. The opening reception/party takes place Thursday, December 14, 5 – 8 p.m. "Be Unbroken" is a costumed event, so please arrive dressed as your favorite woodland...

The Sheridan Arts Foundation presents a night of all-star comedy on Thursday, Dec. 14, 7 p.m. for the SHOW Bar; 8 p.m. for curtain. The show is “Jay and Silent Bob Get Old," live at the Sheridan Opera House. Tickets are $40-$50 for reserved seats (plus...

Telluride Arts' Small Grant program supports the innovation, creativity and professional development of individual artists living or working in Telluride. For more information or to apply, go here.   Telluride Arts is currently accepting applications for the 2018 Small Grants for Artists program. Funding is available up...