
David Holbrooke designed "Original Thinkers," Thursday, October 4 - Sunday, October 7,  as "a new, highly curated festival that melds speakers, films, and performance into a powerful four-day experience in Telluride." According to Holbrooke, "The scale of the world’s problems we face feels overwhelming. We’ve...

A creature that can so beautifully emulate the flow of water like we cats can should not harbor such a longstanding hatred and fear, but the fact is most domestic cats do not enjoy getting wet. Some will even lift their noses at the thought of...

TanzTheater to present "Mimoun," Thursday, October 4 and Friday, October 5 at Telluride's Palm Complex, 6:30 - 8 p.m. Tickets for this event are available at any price. Simply choose the level that makes you happiest. Proceeds help the Michael D. Palm Theatre provide excellent...

How about dinosaurs as a distraction from the noisy, noisome headlines? No, not the old white guys in Congress – the ancient relatives of the ones that populated Jurassic Park. Curious about how they met their maker? This story by Bianca Bosker for The Atlantic...

Is your monkey mind keeping you awake at night? Headlines? Both? And could regulating light or inhaling lavender help? We curated a story that appeared in Vox on the subject of getting to good night's sleep. It was written by Sean Illing, a science journalist...

A celebration of the life of Telluride's Wilkinson Public Library founder Larry Wilkinson will be held at the library on the east patio at 3 p.m. on Sunday, September 23.  Light refreshments will be served.  Please come share your memories of Larry and the library with Larry's family...

The Board of Directors of the Telluride AIDS Benefit is thrilled to announce that Sarah Gluckstern will be taking over the role of Executive Director. [caption id="attachment_76948" align="aligncenter" width="548"] Michelle Maughan passes the torch (-like object) to Sarah Gluckstern.[/caption] With 15 years experience working in the HIV/AIDS...