November 2011

In October, superstar author/illustrator Brian Selznick visited Telluride. The event, a joint venture among the five-star Wilkinson Public Library, the Ah Haa School for the Arts, and Between the Covers Bookstore included readings of Selznick's latest book, "Wonderstruck," and a show of works by Selznick and...

This legend has legs. And they are usually in tights. The Sheridan Arts Foundation's Young People's Theater follows the 1973 film, the 2006 TV series, the 2010 film  and countless other re-creations of the tale of Robin Hood with it own adaptation, but the broad strokes...

Telluride's Ah Haa School for the Arts is one of the region's signature nonprofits, a place that lends color to the face of our town and where the hologram of you as a font of creativity can become a reality. One of Ah Haa's signature...

Telluride talent Suzan Beraza has never let any grass grow under her feet. Just after arriving in town, she co-founded the Telluride Repertory Theatre Company. (Recently merged with SquidShow to form Telluride Theatre.) Today, as a filmmaker and founder of her own production company, Reel...

Meet scientist Ron Estler at Friday's gathering At Telluride's Pinhead Institute, the concepts of science and fun are joined at the hip. In December, as part of  one of Pinhead's signature programs, Science in the Schools, salad bowls play a major role in an epic Tug-of...

Everyone is talking vitamins. Should we? Shouldn't we? Recently NPR ran a story on this subject– you can check it out here – revealing some staggering data. Dr. Kent Gaylord of the Telluride Medical Center talks about two new studies that reveal vitamins not only help you,...

Dirk De Pagter, Real Estate Broker, Part Owner of Hotel Telluride, Telluride Historian [powerpress url=""] For More on Dirk, Click Here....

Michele Genor, Owner Atmosphere Spa [powerpress url=""] For more about Michele and Atmosphere Spa, Click Here.      ...

Bobbi Brown, Founder and CEO of Bobbi Brown Cosmetics. [powerpress url=""] For more on Bobbi Brown, Click Here.      ...

Patty Denny, Owner Telluride Truffle [powerpress url=""] For more on Patty and Telluride Truffle, Click Here.        ...