September 2011

The official website of the Telluride Film Festival claims there is no better way to attend the event than as a passholder. Further, it states there is "no hassle" with a pass. True. Sorta kinda.

Here's why. Your pass entitles you to seating on a first-come, first-served basis. Even then, not so much, because passholders are not created equal.

Especially for big buzz movies in the smaller venues (the Sheridan Opera House, the Masons and The Nugget) first-come, first-served means if you are a plain vanilla passholder, your lanyard may not get you in unless you arrive super early, as much as 1 1/2 – 2 hours in advance of the scheduled screening. Even then, remember you are behind sponsors, patrons, students, and Hollywood entourages, who can show up when they wish and jump the queue. When that happens, your treasured numbered Q becomes just another piece of paper to recycle.

[click "Play", Kristin talks hats with Susan]


Hats What's good for the goose… If men can shop in women's stores, go metrosexual, then why shouldn't wear turn the tables too? Kristin Holbrook of Telluride's Two Skirts suggests our hat's in the ring.

In the 1960s, women burned bras and started wearing the pants in the family too. By the 1970s, pants were ho-hum. (So were most fashions.) In the 1980s, women wanting to break the glass ceiling, decided to look more like men: shoulder pads to create the illusion of broad shoulders (all the better to lean on during bad days at the office) came in to fashion, along with button-down shirts, even bow ties. (I bought mine at Paul Stuart.) Power suits for powerful women.

[ click "Play", Gary Meyer discusses TFF 2011 features with Susan Viebrock]


Co-director Gary Meyer

The people who make the popcorn seem to know what they are doing. Let's give them a hand. Apparently so do the people who put together the Telluride Film Festival. Let's find out more.

The Telluride Film Festival built its acclaim as buzzmeister extraordinaire over 38 years by celebrating the art, not the business, of filmmaking. From the get-go, Festival founders and directors emeriti Bill and Stella Pence and current director Tom Luddy, also co-founder, plus Gary Meyer and Julie Huntsinger became renowned for turning their backs on The Industry, Hollywood shorthand for special effects, mind-numbing plots, testosterone-fueled blood and gore fests, blockbusters, crowd-pleasing franchises, bad guesses, and good luck. Telluride, on the other hand, puts the spotlight on intelligent storytelling and superior filmmaking to create a rich stew that is a seductive mix of past and present, foreign and domestic, obscure and accessible, dark and light, long and short, features and documentaries.

click "Play" to hear Gary Meyer talk with Susan about this year's tributees at TFF]


The Descendants
"The Descendants"

Every year, since the event got off the ground in 1974, The Telluride Film Festival, known locally as The SHOW, paid tribute to artists whose contributions resonate throughout the medium. Thirty-eight years ago, the first tributees were Gloria Swanson, Francis Ford Coppola, and Leni Riefenstahl.

The list of Telluride Film Festival honored actors swelled over the years to include Jack Nicholson, Gerard Depardieu, Clint Eastwood, Isabelle Huppert, Jodie Foster, Klaus Kinski, Shirley MacLaine, Toni Collette, Daniel Day Lewis, Viggo Mortensen, and part-time local (she met her husband Marc Schauer, her V.I.P host, when she was honored in 2004), Laura Linney.

[click "Play", Gary Meyer highlights the documentaries for TFF 2011]


George Harrison
George Harrison

The sun is shining bright yellow and the sky over Telluride is Colorado blue. But this weekend, people who like watching people making well-lit, larger-than-life spectacles of themselves will burrow in dark theaters. This weekend, September 2 – September 5, is the 38th annual Telluride Film Festival.

And it is not just about the full-length features. Documentaries are given equal prominence. Festival attendees applaud the shorts. (The directors and their appendages screen about 1,000 each year to make their picks.) Audiences also love some of the treasured restorations, often set to music.

[click "Play", Gary Meyer talks about who's coming to Telluride]


"Telluride is the best film festival in the world," Clint Eastwood

Glenn & Mia
"Albert Nobbs"

Once the vow of silence is lifted – now – and the world gets to know what's in store at the 38th annual Telluride Film Festival, Friday, September 2 – Monday, September 5, the fun begins and not just on the silver screen. All around town.

Only the Telluride Film Festival goes to the great expense of importing films and talent from all over the world, because Festival directors – Julie Huntsinger, Tom Luddy and Gary Meyer – believe in the importance of establishing an artistic as well as screen presence. So this weekend, actors, directors, cinematographers, editors, producers as well as critics, distributors and buffs walk side by side on the streets or stand in line blabbing about films. Everyone shows up in Telluride because the event is regarded as a jewel among film festivals, sans hype or hoopla.