Alacazem 2011.09.08
Visible Planets: Morning: Mercury, Mars and Jupiter Evening: Saturn
The Medicine & Magic of the Full Harvest Moon
Golden grasses, heavy with seed, bend and sway in the slanting sun. Fields are painted with swirling colors of autumn blonde, brown and green. Sweet peaches are on the table and crisp red apples hang in clusters on the trees. Tomatoes ripen on the vine, peppers are picked and pickles are pickled. Nights are noticeably cooler and the days, while still lusciously warm, are touched with the magical, transformational hand of Indian Summer.
As Autumn Equinox approaches, the Virgo lunar month gifts us with the fruition of the Harvest Moon, one of the most magnificently beautiful and bountiful full Moons of the year. It’s a time to take pause, to be thankful and grateful, count our blessings and say our prayers. Virgo is all about health and healing, daily practice and self-improvement. It’s about work and service, being helpful and assistful, cultivating humility and making our world a better place in which to live and thrive. The vestal Virgin, the goddess of the harvest, medicine women, healers and herbalists, dieticians and exercise gurus come together under the Virgo mantle. And when the Moon grows full under the Virgo sun, we feel the earthy, medicinal power of the Mother Earth in all her harvest glory, coupled with the transcendental power of spirit - the divine cosmic will to which we must ultimately surrender.