Telluride Blues & Brews: More than just Telluride

Telluride Blues & Brews: More than just Telluride


The Telluride Blues and Brews Festival, #18 if you're counting, hits town on the weekend of September 16-18, 2011. Blues & Brews is the last big event of the Summer in Telluride.

The argument could be made it is also one of the first events in the Telluride Summer season, given that this year Blues & Brews also put on The Blues Train on June 4, 2011 in conjunction with the Durango Silverton Train. Steve Gumble and his crew also ran the Taos Mountain Music Festival in August for the second year. This team is busy!

Telluride Inside… and Out was on the Blues Train, and I can only say I hope there is a repeat. It was a great evening of train, music, and a beer or two…

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