June 2010

[To listen to Erik Dalton talk about the Paddle-With-a-Pro day, click "Play"]

TSyle Spring 08 Fashion-013894 Work first. Fun after. The river clean-up hosted by Jagged Edge happens Wednesday, June 9. (See related post for details.) The very next day, Thursday, June 10, is pay back: Jagged Edge's 2010 Paddle-with-a-Pro Day.

Paddle-with-a-Pro Day is an opportunity to learn the tricks of the trade from the amazing Ruth Gordon, a Jackson Kayak-sponsored pro paddler. Spend the day with Ruth in the Gunnison Gorge, a great stretch of Class III waters just outside Montrose. Attendees also get to demo Jackson Kayaks. Transportation and shuttle costs are picked up by the San Miguel Whitewater Club for this all-day event.

[click "Play" to listen to Paulie's conversation with Susan] The Telluride Dance Academy is holding its Spring Recital, Fresh Twists on Dance this afternoon, Sunday, June 6. Susan did a podcast interview with Paulie Distefano that was supposed to be...

Perhaps you've noticed a very bright point of light in the early morning sky, outshining everything but the Moon. If so, it's gigantic Jupiter - the largest planet in our solar system - doing its time as a pre-eminent "morning star". On June 5th...

The afternoon breezes that threatened to stop the Telluride Balloon Festival's Saturday evening "Glow" on Colorado Avenue abated by sundown Saturday evening. Main Street in Telluride was full of balloons, crews and watchers. And everyone got his money's worth: Colorado Avenue was ablaze...

by Art Goodtimes

Worshiping bouncelight in our alpine cathedral of peaks & clouds

IMG_5178 MOUNTAIN CULTURE … It does seem that high mountain cultures are more about freedoms and ecological sanity than American culture at large, at least if we are to believe TV. Fox News. NBC. CNN.

Luckily, I don’t own one – but only because I’m addicted. At hotels I can’t control myself. Stay up into the wee hours channelling pop culture.

Mountainfilm 32, this year’s spring festival kickoff to Telluride’s summer season, proved far more diverse than its niche origin in climbing and extreme sports. It offered a four-day international immersion in mountain culture.

IMG_2332 IMG_2312 The Telluride weather forecast looked good when I went to bed Friday night, so I woke at 0530. The clear, windless sky was all the encouragement I needed to leave my comfortable bed, get dressed and ride my bike to town to watch the Telluride Balloon Festival launch. By the time I got to the Telluride Town Park, most of the hot-air balloons were filling with warm air from their gas burners.

Paulie Distefano

The Telluride Dance Academy presents its annual recital on Sunday, June 6, 3 p.m. on the stage of the Michael D. Palm Theatre. The theme, "Fresh Twists," suggests a program that reflects new ways of looking at dusty notions about dance and what dance academies teach: students who participated in the Academy's spring session, ages 3 – 18, are scheduled to perform dance forms ranging from classical ballet to hip hop, with all the stops in between.One of those students is the handsome young man in charge of all heavy lifting: Paulie Distefano. And "Fresh Twists"  is great way of summarizing exactly what's happening in his life.

After dancing only six months under the tutelage of the Academy's artistic director/former prima ballerina Valerie Madonia, Paulie, who was born and raised in Telluride, was accepted on full scholarship in to the Joffrey School of Ballet's summer intensive. He leaves just days after his performance. That's the kind of magic even Paulie, a trained magician, could not have conjured.

This weekend, June 5 & 6, is the annual Balloon Festival in Telluride. Weather permitting, the hot-air balloons will begin inflating in Telluride's Town Park at 6:30 am, with launch between 6;45 and 7:00 am both mornings. The past few days the air...

June 3 to 10, 2010

Visible Planets: Morning: Mercury and Jupiter  Evening: Venus, Mars and Saturn

Electric Light, Great Good Fortune & Me, Myself and I

Einst_rad The big news this week*** is the “superfund” conjunction of expansive Jupiter and explosive Uranus in impulsive, “it’s all about me” Aries. The exact conjunction of these two planets takes place on June 8th @ 0º18’ Aries, but the buildup to this big event has been happening over the last couple months in god-of-the–sea, Neptune-ruled Pisces.

As I take a look at myself, my world and my neighborhood, I find threads of this dancing duet everywhere. From the exploded oil rig and its gushing black geyser in the oceanic depths of the Gulf of Mexico to the cyberspace invasion of my personal email account last weekend, I see patterns of Uranian shock and Jupiterian excess woven into the fabric and fiber of each event and experience in our recent past and current present. Of course, I’m an astrologer and I “see” the world that way. I know I’m perceiving reality through an astrological lens, and that my view is “tainted” by years of practice, but, it blows my mind anyway – which is a totally Uranus/Jupiter thing to say.