October 2009

Holbrooke Fame can be a scourge of talent, but that's not the case for one of Telluride's first families. The name "Holbrooke" resonates on the world stage, but their varied talents remain undiminished and untainted.

The patriarch of the clan is Ambassador, now Special Representative, Richard Holbrooke, the subject of a recent New Yorker profile (September 28). Holbrooke was appointed by President Obama for his intellect and fearlessness to tackle the thorniest foreign-policy problem his administration faces: Afghanistan and Pakistan.

Even if Telluride is the most beautiful place on the planet, off season is a great time to spread our wings. Check out the great travel deals on Maribeth Clemente's blog, "Bonjour Telluride," where she offers fabulous trips/stays in exchange for a pledge...

October 8 to 15, 2009

Visible Planets:
Morning: Mercury, Venus, Mars and Saturn   Evening: Jupiter

DSC02066 A little fat-cheeked, healthy baby came to visit me last weekend. My brother Jeff’s daughter, Devan, my older sister, Pam, and her husband, John, packed up the essentials and made the journey from the Front Range to our home here in the wild West End.

 Autumn is a great time to travel. Fall colors in Colorado are notoriously brilliant. Seasonal changes evoke inner transformation. The dancing leaves, the cooling breeze and the still warm Indian Summer sun excite the senses and ignite physical, mental and emotional fires. The conscious and subconscious delight in the visual and sensual - stimulating memory, creating thought and birthing inspiration.

Michael_d_palm Telluride may have been his second home, but our mountain hamlet was one of his great loves. The gravitational pull of the wandering planet called Michael D. Palm was irresistable. Michael was, by any measure, a remarkable man: gifted educator, musician, athlete, businessman, and philanthropist. Michael and another long-time, part-time Telluride local, Steven Gluckstern  (Steven first visited Telluride in 1976 and in 1980, became superintendent of school) founded reinsurance company Zurich Centre Group. Throughout their highly successful business association, Michael, Steven and Steven's wife Judy remained the best of friends. After Michael's death from complications from AIDS in Telluride in August 1998, Steven and Judy dedicated themselves to ensuring the causes Michael embraced in his lifetime would continue to receive his support.
Signatures Theinformant_smallposter The Nugget Theatre in Telluride is showing "The Informant" the week of Friday, October 9-Thursday, October 15. Showtimes for "The Informant" are 7:00 pm nightly except Saturday, October 10. On Saturday, it will play at 6:30 pm, with a special viewing of "Signatures" at 8:30.

"The Informant" (rated R for language) stars Matt Damon as a whistle-blower at Archer Daniels Midland. You don't have a story unless there are problems. In this one, the problem is Mark Whitacre (Damon). When you want to blow the whistle make sure your own situation is very clean.

"Signatures" looks like a must-see: snow-porn at its best. Shot on the northern Japanese island of Hokaido, the movie is poetry in motion.

See the showtimes schedule below, and check out the Nugget website for trailers and reiviews.
[click "Play" to hear what's happening at Ah Haa this Fall]

Ahhaa_hp_middle Fall in Telluride is a colorful time of year as aspens turn gold and local institutions  such as the Ah Haa School for the Arts announce their kaleidoscopic Fall/Winter season.

Abstract paintings and drawings pulsing with the energy of the Telluride region by artist Meredith Nemirov are on display throughout the month of October in Ah Haa's newly renovated Daniel Tucker Gallery. In November, the exhibition space will feature the work of the winner's of Ah Haa's Youth Arts Awards. (Submissions from 7 – 12 graders due by October 26.)

by Kris Holstrom

We have so much going on it’s hard to determine where to click for information and ideas. In the old days when print dominated the media landscape National Geographic Magazine was a standout. The incredible photography, fascinating subjects and universal reach brought the world to our mailbox.

While I still get and enjoy the paper copy of the magazine I’ve discovered the on-line National Geographic has resources galore. On a recent trip I had a bit of spare time and discovered one of their games I thought quite interesting. It’s called Plan It Green – and it’s a scaled down version of a simulation game where you can make decisions that affect your town – decisions from what kind of energy to promote and use to what kind of businesses might make a downtown area thrive.

IMG_0615 Telluride Inside... and Out is just past our first birthday and we felt it was time to a look backward to get an idea if we had done what we set out to do in August, 2008. In that look over our collective shoulder, mostly we are proud of what we have created.

The concept was to build a platform to talk about the Telluride lifestyle; the people who live here; what they do when here; what they do when they leave our high mountain valley; the artists, musicians, filmmakers, visitors who come here and enrich our lives. In short: Telluride, inside and out.