Alacazem 2009.10.08

Alacazem 2009.10.08

October 8 to 15, 2009

Visible Planets:
Morning: Mercury, Venus, Mars and Saturn   Evening: Jupiter

DSC02066 A little fat-cheeked, healthy baby came to visit me last weekend. My brother Jeff’s daughter, Devan, my older sister, Pam, and her husband, John, packed up the essentials and made the journey from the Front Range to our home here in the wild West End.

 Autumn is a great time to travel. Fall colors in Colorado are notoriously brilliant. Seasonal changes evoke inner transformation. The dancing leaves, the cooling breeze and the still warm Indian Summer sun excite the senses and ignite physical, mental and emotional fires. The conscious and subconscious delight in the visual and sensual – stimulating memory, creating thought and birthing inspiration.

DSC02054I am always rather nostalgic and sentimental this time of year. It’s like saying farewell to someone I love  deeply, knowing our time together has ended. I wave goodbye, feeling their presence in my heart and smelling their fragrance on my skin. It's difficult to see them go, but it's inevitable and unstoppable. We must go our separate ways.

DSC02075 There is something mysteriously heartbreaking about autumn, and yet, like death, it touches my soul and delivers me to spirit. I am filled with the certainty of transition and the destiny of uncertainty. The forever revolving cycles of life teach me to let go, surrender and embrace the eternal constant: death and rebirth, change and transformation.

Snow on the peaks, crisp apples, rustling cornstalks and bright-orange pumpkins bring me sense of inner peace and outer tranquility. And a little fat-cheeked baby brings me love. Happy Autumn.

Aries (Mar. 21-Apr.19)
This week, it’s all about the heart and heartfelt wisdom. The recent Harvest Moon in Aries/Libra opened inner doors to outer circumstance and you played in rooms of epiphany and catharsis. Pay attention to these feelings and experiences, as they are the golden keys to your happiness and success. Look for the signs and stay on the path.

Taurus (Apr. 20-May 20)
Your ruling planet, Venus, dances and flirts with several outer planets in a magnificent display of insight and inspiration. Feeling your feelings and follow your heart. Tap inner resource and knowledge as you entrain with the universe and move with the stars. Jupiter stationary direct encourages career exploration and expansion. Look beyond the horizon.

Gemini (May 21-June 21)
Virgo/Libra energy favors centered being and heartfelt feeling. Embrace courage and loving kindness when dealing with your most personal relationships, including family. Self-nurturing is big now, be compassionate and gentle with you. Take care of your own back yard and let others take care of theirs. Maintain healthy boundaries and let go of outcomes.

(June 22-July 22)
Last week’s Harvest Moon illuminated issues of achievement and self-nurturing. Striking a balance between these two essential aspects of life continues as a theme. Move with grace and cultivate inner peace. Happiness is an inside job and its manifestation comes via productive work, heartfelt service and positive self-esteem. Do your best.

Leo (July 23-Aug.22)
The Lion loves love and love-planet Venus is super-charged this week with electric light and revolutionary spirit. You may feel ready to make overdue changes romantically and financially as new insight and awareness awakens you to what you really want. Keep your eyes open for exciting new opportunities and relationships. Enjoy the heat!

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep.22)
Venus in your sign makes an opposition aspect to wild Uranus this week, changing the way in which you see yourself and others in relationship. Suddenly, things are different. Freedom, individuality and liberation are themes. A partner may take a sudden break or a long-term commitment ends. The function is to stay present and vital. Stay awake and be aware.

(Sep. 23-Oct.22)
As Jupiter prepares to go direct and ruler Venus aspects revolutionary Uranus, open your mind and feel your heart. Angelic forces guide and protect you now, walk your talk and follow a spiritually enriching path. Tap in to the creative source and observe the laws of nature as the season’s beauty transforms the landscapes both inside and out.

(Oct. 23-Nov. 22)
Sudden changes in important relationships serve to awaken and excite your spirit. Friends may morph into lovers or lovers become friends. Be ready and willing to accept what comes and make the best of it. Everything happens for a reason and the mystery is the magic. Forget about trying to understand why, cultivate gratitude and be here now.

(Nov. 23-Dec. 20)
The mutable sign opposition of Venus and Uranus sparks change and incites awakening regarding home, family, career goals and professional aspirations. You are suddenly aware of what you need to sustain and nurture your body, mind and spirit. Do not negate or minimize inspirational experience; embrace it. Be true to you.
(Dec. 21-Jan. 19)
The Libra zodiac month encourages goal definition and achievement. Consider the concept of self-discipline and practice it as an art. Take action regarding professional desires and cultivate relationships with people you admire and respect. Perceptual breakthroughs lead to higher self-awakening. Open your heart to the expanding universe of unlimited possibility.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)
Jupiter resumes forward motion in Aquarius this week, opening the floodgates on personal progress. Health and wealth continue as themes in this transformational year. Financial discretion is imperative as you realize changes of income and earnings. Recognize that what you’ve done for years no longer serves your highest purpose and adjust accordingly.

(Feb. 19-Mar. 20)
Revolutionary Uranus in your sign opposes voluptuous Venus in Virgo this week, awakening change and sparking excitement in one-to-one relationships. Focus on creating a balance of freedom and responsibility in commitment. Recognize the importance of healthy boundaries, individuality and compassion with others. Be kind, live and let live.

Cynthia is a third generation astrologer living in the high mountain desert of the American Southwest. Visit her website @

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